Larsen Land booklet

LOCATION & GENERAL INFORMATION Farm is located approximately 2.8 miles north of Lewistown, MO or approximately 7.8 miles northeast of LaBelle, MO in Section 31, T62N•R8W and Section 6, T61N•R8W in LaBelle Township, Lewis County, MO. From Lewistown, MO, take Hwy H north approximately 2.8 miles, farm ahead on west side of road. From LaBelle, MO, take Hwy 6 east approximately 5 miles, then turn north onto Maple St/Hwy H for approximately 2.8 miles, farm ahead on west side of road. 3 HIGHLY PRODUCTIVE TILLABLE CROPLAND! 3 IMPROVED PASTURELAND & HAY PRODUCTION! 3 COUNTRY HOME WITH BLACKTOP FRONTAGE! 3 QUALITY FACILITIES & FENCING! 3 PRIME RURAL BUILDING SITES!

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Farm represents highly productive tillable cropland, improved pastureland & hay production, prime whitetail deer & wild turkey hunting acreage, livestock barns, cattle facilities, ponds & nice country home with blacktop frontage.


OPEN HOUSE Sat., Sept. 10 • 10 AM - 12 PM 19245 State Hwy H • Lewistown, MO 63452





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