Junior Member Behavior - CCV Approaches to Discipline

The Country Club of Virginia APPROACH TO DISCIPLINE

TYPE ONE – PREVENTATIVE APPROACH In short, a preventative approach includes things like the Youth Code of Conduct, Club Rules, communications like this one, staff training, and rewards (verbal or otherwise) for good behavior and the like. This is where we would like to spend 90% of our efforts in making the Club a favorite location for Junior members. TYPE TWO – SUPPORTIVE APPROACH A supportive approach involves a lot of redirection, verbalization of expectations, suggestion of different activities, and sharing possible consequences. For example, if a group of kids is throwing a football in the Cool Springs Cafe seating area, staff may remind youth that they need to play the game outdoors and suggest they move to the Grand Lawn. At this point, staff may introduce themselves and ask for the Junior member’s name. Club staff realize that it will be age and stage appropriate for younger members to need a supportive approach to engage in appropriate behavior and learn the expectations of respectful behavior at CCV. TYPE THREE – CORRECTIVE APPROACH W hen preventative and supportive approaches have not been successful, we move to a corrective approach. At this point, if an incident occurs, staff will reach out to parents and share the situation. Junior members will be asked to move away from their peers while parents are contacted. Most often, parents are asked to pick up the Junior member and the Junior member cannot come back to the Club that day. An Incident Form is completed to document the details. If patterns emerge and multiple Incident Forms have been filed, families may receive a call from a member of the Executive Staff. The Executive Staff and parents of the Junior member will work together and discuss what additional action may need to be taken. In extreme cases where personal safety is put in jeopardy, property is being destroyed, or illegal substances are in play, our Security Office will be asked to intervene immediately. Parents will be contacted and follow-up by Executive Staff will occur.

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