Research & Validation | Scholastic Literacy Pro

Every book in Literacy Pro is represented by a Book Card with several icons that give additional at-a-glance information about the title. Ebooks with a sound icon, for example, have a read-aloud feature, while Spanish-language ebooks are marked with a tilde icon (ñ). Literacy Pro includes more than 300 Spanish-language titles, and many are also available in English. Students can select the plus icon in the upper left corner of a book cover to add the title to their bookshelf or click Read It Now on any ebook to launch it. They can also click on the book cover to access additional details, such as a brief synopsis, reading level, page count, and the Think More comprehension check when available.

Book Card

Just as in an actual library, students using Literacy Pro are free to explore and discover books on their own. From the navigation bar, students can select Search to find ebooks and print titles for their grade level by author, title, series, genre, interest category, or keyword. Students can filter search results by different attributes, such as ebooks only, ebooks with audio support, and Spanish-language titles only.


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