Y7 Bulletin 24.05.24


The May half term break is upon us and it is astounding to think that we have only one half term remaining in Year 7! We will take the opportunity to reflect on the year and look ahead to Year 8 in our Year 7 parent information mornings and tours that are happening in the first week back. You will have received information about this but just a reminder that parents/carers of students in forms 7EST, 7FLE, 7PUN and 7STR have their information morning at 8.35am on Thursday 6 June and parents/carers of 7EDA, 7FFR, 7PIR and 7SHU have their information morning on Friday 7 June. I know that our students are very much looking forward to acting as tour guides! Back at Christmas the Drama department invited our KS3 students to write a Radio Play to take part in a National Competition run by the renowned theatre company Complicite. We are thrilled to hear that Lydia K in 7EST entered and won! This week Year 7 students have been working on and performing her script to end their Script Writing unit that we have studied this half term. Last week, the Year 7 cricket team faced Twickenham, and although they lost by 71 runs to 41, their effort and sportsmanship were commendable. A big congratulations to 7FLE for leading the way with house points this week, taking the number one spot on Epraise with an impressive 111 points. Not too far behind, we have 7PIR with 91 points and 7EST with 79 points. Well done to all the students for their hard work and dedication! The use of Chromebooks is a fundamental part of many lessons, enhancing our students’ learning experience and enabling interactive and engaging lessons. It is crucial that students bring a fully charged Chromebook to school each day to ensure they can participate fully in all activities. Please remind your child to charge their Chromebook every evening. Please can I ask that parents / carers continue to support us in maintaining a high standard of uniform by ensuring that students do not wear any makeup. Thank you for your continued support, and I hope you all enjoy a restful half term break.







Under 15s Cricket Middlesex Competition



Raven Winter by Susanna Bailey

I really enjoyed reading this book it’s really interesting and I learnt a lot more about what to do in certain situations. It is really quite emotional but an amazing read. I love how descriptive she is. If you enjoy this book you may also like another one of Susanna’s books, Snow foal.

~ Recommended by Poppy C, 7PUN

Please contact us with any queries or problems you may have. To get in touch with a member of staff from your child’s year group, you can: Send an email to KS3@waldegravesch.org Or you can contact the school via phone by calling: 02088943244 WALDEGRAVE SCHOOL Fifth Cross Road, Twickenham, Middlesex, TW2 5LH HOW TO CONTACT YEAR 7 HEAD OF YEAR AND TUTORS

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