2023 Impact Report



The Columbus Zoo, Zoombezi Bay and Safari Golf Club recycled 181.2 tons of materials, including plastic items, alkaline and non-alkaline batteries, and electronics. That equals approximately 23 male Asian elephants! In 2023, The Wilds recycled 500 pounds of plastic bags. That’s more than 40,000 single-use bags!

COMPOSTING 370.34 1,214.57

tons of yard trimmings tons of manure and bedding

PLASTIC FREE ECOCHALLENGE 4,595 participants 56,289 pieces of litter picked up 147,601 items kept from going into the landfill: • 13,345 plastic cups

• 28,078 plastic utensils • 32,321 plastic bottles • 58,963 plastic containers • 14,894 plastic straws


Suzie Edwards Conservation Education Classrooms Solar Array • 380,153.56 pounds of carbon emission saved since the 2020 installation – Equivalent to 2,874.4 trees being planted • 74.27 kWh of electricity produced in 2023 – About half of the electricity used for the building was generated by the sun Zero-Waste Events • 90% of all waste at our large catered events was recycled or composted. Through a partnership with the local chapter of Feeding America®, any edible food left at the end of the event was donated. Staff Commitment • 100% of all departments at all 4 of our parks completed a waste audit to better understand where we can improve our recycling and composting efforts.

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