Extensions of Credit
When there is an agreement with the provider of goods or services that a city or county candidate in a city or county that has not already enacted contribution limits or committee will pay for the goods or services at a later date, the value of the goods or services may become a contribution to the candidate and be subject to contribution limits if the payment is not made within 45 days. (See Regulation 18530.7.)
Contributions to Other City or County Candidate Committees
A candidate may not make a contribution over the default state contribution limit to another candidate in jurisdictions subject to the default state contribution limit with limited exceptions related to recall elections, legal defense funds, and candidate-controlled ballot measure committees. The limit is the same contribution limit imposed on legislative candidates. This contribution limit applies to the aggregate total of contributions made from the personal funds or assets of the candidate and contributions made by all committees controlled by that candidate.
Contributions Over the Limit
Committees are not in violation of the Act's contribution limit if an “over the limit” contribution is returned to the contributor or the contribution is attributed to another election either: (1) within 14 days of receipt before deposit so long as the committee did not make use of the contribution prior to returning it, or (2) within 14 days of receipt even after deposit, so long as there was no actual knowledge the contribution was over the limit when deposited and the committee did not make use of the contribution prior to returning it. If a contribution is returned after it has been deposited it must be reported. A contribution must be reported even if not deposited if it is not returned to the contributor by the close of the reporting period. An over the limit nonmonetary contribution must be returned to the contributor within 14 days of receiving the contribution either in its original form, or in a monetary equivalent greater than or equal to the amount by which its value exceeds an applicable contribution limit.
Fair Political Practices Commission advice@fppc.ca.gov
Chapter 1.4
Campaign Manual 2 August 2023 Page 109
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