City of San Bernardino Candidate Information Guide

O. An AB 571 candidate has debts for an election held after January 1, 2021, may the candidate terminate their committee? No. If a candidate-controlled committee has outstanding debts for an election held after January 1, 2021, they may not terminate without resolving or paying off the debt. When the committee has no net debts outstanding, the committee must be terminated within 24 months after the earliest of the date the candidate is defeated, leaves office, or the term of office for which the committee was formed ends, or, for withdrawn candidates no later than 24 months after the election from which the candidate withdrew. Please see Regulation 18404.1 for more on termination requirements. P. If a local jurisdiction, which is subject to AB 571 passes a local campaign contribution ordinance, are the candidates still subject to AB 571?

No. They would no longer be subject to AB 571.

Fair Political Practices Commission

Chapter 1.19

Campaign Manual 2 August 2023 Page 124

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