City of San Bernardino Candidate Information Guide

H. Form 410 – Statement of Organization A candidate controlled committee or a committee primarily formed to support or oppose a candidate (or group of candidates in the same election) that raises or spends $2,000 or more in a calendar year qualifies as a recipient committee and must file Form 410. The Form 410 identifies the name of the committee and provides the public with information regarding the committee’s purpose and its officers. Annual Committee Fees All committees that file a Form 410 must pay a $50 fee to the Secretary of State no later than 15 days after the Form 410 is filed. Committees must pay the fee annually by January 15 until the committee terminates. If the annual fee is not paid by the January 15 deadline, the law imposes a $150 penalty, which will require the committee to pay a total of $200 (the $50 annual fee plus the $150 late penalty). Failure to pay the fine will result in a referral to the FPPC’s Enforcement Division. Note: Committees that are created and pay the initial $50 fee in October, November, or December of a calendar year are not subject to the annual fee in the subsequent year. If the committee is going to terminate, in order to avoid the fee for the subsequent year, a committee must cease activity by December 31 of the current year and file the terminating Form 410 with the Secretary of State on or before January 31 of the next year. There is no provision for extension of the deadline and fee payment.

Fair Political Practices Commission

Chapter 2.23

Campaign Manual 2 August 2023 Page 149

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