H. Valuing Mailings, Telephone Banks, Polls Generally, the fair market value of a communication is reported as a contribution when it expressly advocates support of or opposition to a candidate and was made at the behest of (or in coordination with) the affected candidate or primarily formed committee. Ex 4.20 - The Express Paper Company agrees to produce a mailing for your committee. The value of the nonmonetary contribution is the amount it would have cost your committee if it had paid fair market value for the mailing, which is likely more than what the actual costs were to the company. Multiple Candidates/Measures: If a communication expresses support of or opposition to more than one candidate or ballot measure, the fair market value attributable to each may be calculated by prorating the costs among the featured candidates and ballot measures. The prorated value is based on the amount of space allotted to each candidate or measure supported or opposed in the mailer. The value of a mailer that supports or opposes candidates and measures being voted on in different jurisdictions may be prorated based on the number of mailers sent to each candidate or ballot measure’s jurisdiction. Ex 4.21 - A Chamber of Commerce produces and mails a one- page flyer urging voters to vote for supervisor candidate Smith and vote against two ballot measures. Half of the flyer is devoted to supporting candidate Smith and the other half equally opposes the two measures. The Chamber coordinates the mailing with candidate Smith. The total cost of producing and mailing the flyer was $10,000. Candidate Smith must report a nonmonetary contribution of $5,000 from the Chamber.
Fair Political Practices Commission advice@fppc.ca.gov
Chapter 4.21
Campaign Manual 2 August 2023 Page 209
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