City of San Bernardino Candidate Information Guide

Salary and Compensation The candidate or officeholder, or any individual authorized to approve the committee’s expenditures, may not receive a salary or other compensation from the committee for the performance of political, legislative, or governmental activities. However, the committee may pay for professional services such as an accountant or treasurer, even if the accountant or treasurer has authority to sign committee checks. A spouse or domestic partner of an elected officer or a candidate for elective office may not receive, in exchange for any services rendered, compensation from campaign funds held by a controlled committee of the officer or candidate. Security Systems A candidate may use campaign funds to purchase an electronic security system. To do so, the candidate must have received threats to their physical safety because of their status as a candidate or elected official and the incidents must be verified by an appropriate law enforcement agency. No more than $5,000 may be spent and a report to the FPPC is required. Effective January 1, 2020, campaign funds may be used to pay for, or reimburse the state for, the installation and monitoring of hardware, software, and services related to the cybersecurity of the electronic devices of a candidate, elected officer, or campaign worker. Any expenditure of campaign funds for these purposes must be reported on the candidate or elected officer’s campaign statements. Tickets for Entertainment and Sporting Events Campaign funds may not be used to purchase entertainment and sporting event tickets for use by the candidate or officeholder, or staff of the committee, unless attendance at the event is directly related to a political, legislative, or governmental purpose.

Fair Political Practices Commission

Chapter 6.12

Campaign Manual 2 August 2023 Page 242

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