Ex 6.9 - Candidates for the office of mayor have been offered the chance to speak during half-time at the local college football game. Campaign funds may be used to purchase tickets for the candidates and committee staff to attend, but only because they will be speaking. Tickets to Political Fundraisers A committee may purchase tickets to political fundraisers (subject to any applicable contribution limits) for the candidate, officeholder, or their immediate family, or an officer, director, employee, or staff of the committee or the officeholder’s governmental agency. Travel A committee may use campaign funds to pay for travel or accommodations for the candidate or officeholder, any individual with authority to approve the committee’s expenditures, or staff of the committee so long as the standards set by Internal Revenue Code Sections 162 and 274 (deduction of travel expenses for tax purposes) are complied with. Contact the Internal Revenue Service at (800) 829-1040 for more information. When a candidate controlled committee reports itemized expenditures for gifts, meals, or travel, specific details must be included as described in Chapter 8. Airline Mileage Programs Some airlines have mileage programs that allow individuals to earn free tickets or other awards. These mileage credits and awards belong to the individual traveler, not the committee. The committee is not required to report either the receipt of the mileage credit awards or the redemption of the credits.
Fair Political Practices Commission advice@fppc.ca.gov
Chapter 6.13
Campaign Manual 2 August 2023 Page 243
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