• Contributions to support or oppose any candidate for federal office, any candidate for elective office in a state other than California, or any ballot measure. • Payments for professional services or attorneys’ fees for litigation that arises out of campaign or election activities. • Payment for an electronic security system. Contact the FPPC for information about specific requirements that must be met. Answering Your Questions A. Are there private firms that provide treasurer or campaign reporting services? Yes. The FPPC does not endorse or recommend any particular private firm. Candidates may find useful information on the websites of the California Political Attorneys Association and the California Political Treasurers Association. B. I am a candidate for a local office. It appears that I won’t have any problem winning my seat. I would like to return some of my contributions to my contributors. May I do this? At any time during the campaign, you may return all or part of a contribution to your contributors. C. I am a candidate. I make long-distance phone calls on my home phone to request support from organizations statewide. How may I pay for them? When the bill arrives and there are additional charges that can be directly attributed to the campaign activity, the committee should pay for that portion. If the personal charges are not changed by the campaign activity, there is no reporting required.
Fair Political Practices Commission advice@fppc.ca.gov
Chapter 6.15
Campaign Manual 2 August 2023 Page 245
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