D. May I use campaign funds to pay a babysitter for the evenings that I am out campaigning?
Yes. Candidates may use campaign funds to pay for babysitting services for events that are directly related to campaign activity because the candidate would not have otherwise incurred childcare expenses if the candidate did not engage in the campaign activity. E. As a candidate, I will be using my personal car to get around during the campaign. Is mileage considered a reportable contribution if I do not want to be reimbursed? No. Incidental use of your personal car for campaign purposes is not considered a contribution and is not reportable. F. May I use campaign funds to have an additional telephone line put in my home? Yes, as long as the additional phone line is used for campaign purposes only. If, after the campaign, you choose to retain the additional phone line for personal purposes, you must pay the campaign what it would cost to install an additional line at that time. G. Is it permissible to use campaign funds to pay an independent contractor (e.g., the campaign consultant) additional money if I win my election? Yes. You may use campaign funds to pay a contractor for fees that are part of the written contract. H. May I host a victory party or give bonuses to my campaign workers?
Yes. In most cases, the bonuses would be considered gifts and would be limited to $250 per calendar year.
Fair Political Practices Commission advice@fppc.ca.gov
Chapter 6.16
Campaign Manual 2 August 2023 Page 246
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