I. I lost my election and have funds remaining. May I, a non- incumbent, use the leftover funds to run again in two years? If you wish to use funds left over from an unsuccessful race for a future election to the same office, file a new Form 501 and amend your existing Form 410 within 90 days after the end of the postelection reporting period. For elections occurring in the first six months of the calendar year, the end of the postelection reporting period is June 30. For elections occurring in the last six months of the calendar year, the end of the postelection reporting period is December 31. If you plan to run for a different office, file a new Form 501, transfer the funds to a new campaign bank account, and file a new Form 410. If the funds become “surplus,” they may not be used for a future election.
Fair Political Practices Commission advice@fppc.ca.gov
Chapter 6.17
Campaign Manual 2 August 2023 Page 247
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