election in which the candidate is on the ballot for an elective office and ending on the date of the general or special runoff election for that office.
QUICK TIP: When a communication that expressly advocates support of a candidate is paid for by someone other than the candidate or their committee, and the communication is “made at the behest” of the affected candidate, the candidate must report the payment as a nonmonetary contribution. • Common Consultants. The person making the expenditure retains the services of a person who provides either the candidate or the committee supporting or opposing the ballot measure with professional services related to campaign or fundraising strategy for the current campaign. • Republication. The communication replicates, reproduces, republishes, or disseminates, in whole or substantial part, a communication, including video footage, designed, produced, paid for, or distributed by the candidate or committee. • Fundraising. The committee making the expenditure is primarily formed to support the candidate or oppose their opponent and in the course of the current campaign, the candidate who benefits from the expenditure solicits funds for or appears as a speaker at a fundraiser for the committee making the expenditure. • Former Staff. The person making the expenditure is established, run, or staffed in a leadership role, by an individual who previously worked in a senior position or advisory capacity on the candidate’s or officeholder’s staff within the current campaign. • Candidate’s Family. The person making the expenditure is established, run, staffed in a leadership role, or principally funded by an individual who is an immediate family member of the candidate. However, an expenditure is not considered to be coordinated with or made at the behest of a candidate or committee based solely on any of the following circumstances:
Fair Political Practices Commission advice@fppc.ca.gov
Chapter 7.4
Campaign Manual 2 August 2023 Page 253
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