City of San Bernardino Candidate Information Guide

Ex 7.4 - The president of a police officers’ association announces at its annual meeting that the association endorses John Law for county sheriff. Merely making an oral endorsement is not a contribution to or independent expenditure for John Law. Closer to the election, at the request of candidate John Law, the association mails a special flyer to the voters announcing its endorsement of John. Because the mailing was made at the behest of the candidate, the association has now made a nonmonetary contribution to John Law.

Ex 7.5 - A city council candidate paid for a mailing which quoted the mayor’s verbal endorsement of their candidacy. Although the mayor was also on the ballot, the flyer was not a contribution to the mayor.

Ex 7.6 - Emmelyn Chin, a city council member running for reelection, sent out a flyer to registered voters in Emmelyn's district asking them to support Emmelyn's candidacy. The flyer also encouraged the voters to vote for Lorraine Sweet for Governor, although this endorsement was not made at Lorraine's behest. Because the gubernatorial election and city council election would appear on the same ballot for those living in Emmelyn Chin’s district (and the flyer was sent only to voters in that district), the payment for the flyer is not an independent expenditure supporting Lorraine Sweet. If a candidate pays for a communication that supports another candidate, and the payment is not made at the behest of the endorsed candidate, the payment is not considered to be an independent expenditure if: (1) the candidate paying for the communication also is included in the communication; (2) the non-paying candidate is listed on the same ballot as the paying candidate; and (3) the communication is targeted only to potential voters in the paying candidate’s district.

Fair Political Practices Commission

Chapter 7.9

Campaign Manual 2 August 2023 Page 258

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