Ex 7.8 - Camille is running for local office and pays Julia to post a message on Julia’s blog supporting Camille’s candidacy. Camille’s committee must report the payment as an expenditure on the Form 460.
D. Non-Contributions
There are some communications that are not considered to be contributions to the candidate or the candidate’s controlled committee.
Ex 7.9 - The League of Women Voters invited all candidates for city council to speak at a forum. Only one candidate attended, but since at least two candidates running for the same office were invited, the cost of the forum is not a contribution to the candidate who attended. Debates If a nonpartisan organization hosts a debate or other forum and invites at least two opposing candidates, a payment for the event is not a contribution to the candidates. Similarly, a payment for a debate or forum sponsored by a political party or a committee affiliated with a political party is not a contribution if a majority of the candidates for the party’s nomination are invited to participate. Ex 7.10 - At a union’s regularly-scheduled monthly meeting, one candidate was invited to solicit votes. The union did not incur any additional costs in connection with the speaker’s presentation, so no contribution was made. Meetings A payment made by a bona fide service, social, business, trade, union, or professional organization for reasonable overhead expenses associated with a regularly-scheduled meeting at which a candidate speaks is not a contribution if the organization pays no additional costs in connection with the speaker’s attendance.
Fair Political Practices Commission advice@fppc.ca.gov
Chapter 7.11
Campaign Manual 2 August 2023 Page 260
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