Ex 7.12 - The Green Party pays for a mailing supporting your candidacy to all of its members five days before your election. The cost of the mailing exceeds $1,000. The Party must file a Form 497 (24-Hour/10 Day Contribution Report). You are not required to disclose the mailing as a contribution.
News Stories A payment for the cost of publishing or broadcasting a news story, commentary, or editorial is not a contribution when the payment is made by a federally regulated broadcast outlet or a regularly published newspaper, magazine or other periodical of general circulation that routinely carries news, articles, and commentary of general interest. Voter Registration A payment made at the behest of a candidate as part of voter registration or get-out-the-vote activities is not a contribution if the communication does not expressly advocate support of or opposition to the candidate. Ex 7.13 - At the behest of an elected official, an organization paid for a voter registration booth at a local fair. No other literature was distributed at the booth. The payment for the voter registration booth was not a contribution to the official. Voting Records An entity may publish the voting records of public officials. As long as only the voting records are published, the communication is not considered a contribution or an independent expenditure.
Fair Political Practices Commission advice@fppc.ca.gov
Chapter 7.13
Campaign Manual 2 August 2023 Page 262
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