City of San Bernardino Candidate Information Guide

Electronic media advertisements that are not “online platform disclosed advertisements” shall follow disclosure requirements described in this chapter, other than those listed in the “Online Platform Disclosed Advertisement Requirements” chart. B. How Must the Disclosure Appear? Disclosures on political ads vary by the type of advertisement. Please review the advertisement disclosure charts available on the FPPC’s website for the specific requirements. C. Advertisement Disclosures for Communications by Candidate Committees for their own Election The disclosure on a communication made by a candidate’s committee for their own election must include “Paid for by [committee name],” unless otherwise noted in the Communications by Candidate Committees for their own Election chart #1 available on the FPPC’s website.

QUICK TIP: A candidate’s personal Facebook page needs the “Ad paid for by” disclosure on Header Photo if the candidate has a controlled committee and is using their personal Facebook page for campaigning and/or fundraising.

Fair Political Practices Commission

Chapter 8.4

Campaign Manual 2 August 2023 Page 269

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