City of San Bernardino Candidate Information Guide

D. Advertisement Disclosures for Independent Expenditure Ads Made by Committees Primarily Formed to Support or Oppose a Candidate When a committee primarily formed to support or oppose a candidate pays for an advertisement that is an independent expenditure, the advertisement disclosure must include the information contained in the Independent Expenditure Ads on Candidates (except ads by candidates and political party committees) chart #2 available on the FPPC’s website, including the names of the committee’s top three contributors. Top Contributors “Top contributors” means the persons from whom the committee paying for an advertisement has received its three highest cumulative contributions of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) or more. If two or more contributors of identical amounts qualify as top contributors, the most recent contributor of that amount must be listed as the top contributor. If an advertisement paid for by a committee supports or opposes a candidate, the determination of top contributors may not include any nonprofit organization exempt from federal income taxation pursuant to Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code or any person who has prohibited in writing the use of their contributions to support or oppose candidates if the committee does not use such contributions to support or oppose candidates.

Fair Political Practices Commission

Chapter 8.5

Campaign Manual 2 August 2023 Page 270

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