City of San Bernardino Candidate Information Guide


Disclosure and Manner of Display

Ad Disclosure that Online Platform is Required to Place on Advertisement:

An Online Platform Must Do One of the Following: 1) Display “Paid for by” or “Ad Paid for by” followed by “Ad Committee’s Top Funder(s)” followed by the committee’s top three contributors of $50,000 or more, followed by a colon, followed by surrounded in quotation marks, the name of the committee easily readable to the average viewer located adjacent to any statement the communication is an advertisement (or is promoted or sponsored). The online platform may display only one hundred or more characters of the “committee major funding from” followed by the committee’s top three contributors and name of the committee disclosures if followed by a “…” that is clearly clickable and that links to a page that provides the disclosures. The ad may instead link to a website that the committee has created pursuant to other provisions of the Act that contains the committee’s name, top contributor information, and whether the ad was authorized by a candidate for independent expenditure ads on candidates. 2) Display a hyperlink, icon, button, or tab with the text “Who funded this ad?,” “Paid for by,” or “Ad Paid for by” that is clearly clickable and links to a page that provides the “Ad Committee’s Top Funder(s)” followed by the committee’s top three contributors of $50,000 or more, followed by a colon, followed by the committee’s name disclosures. This text must be easily readable to the average viewer, in the same or similar font and in at least the same font size as the online platform’s text stating that the communication is an advertisement (or is promoted or sponsored). The ad may instead link to a website that the committee has created pursuant to other provisions of the Act that contains the committee’s name, top contributor information, and whether the ad was authorized by a candidate for independent expenditure ads on candidates. If fewer than three contributors qualify as top contributors, only those contributors that qualify shall be disclosed. If there are no contributors that qualify as top contributors, the top contributor disclosure is not required. Please note that advertisements for a candidate controlled committee established for an elective office of the controlling candidate are not required to display top contributor disclosures. The Online Platform Must Also: Display a prominent button, icon, tab, or hyperlink with the text “View Ads” or similar text. The button, icon, tab, or hyperlink shall link to a page containing the records required to be displayed in the publicly available online database in one of the follow- ing locations: 1) Near the top of a profile, landing page, or similar location of a committee that paid for an advertisement in a position that the average viewer will readily see it upon viewing that page. 2) On a page that displays the committee’s profile information or biographical information. 3) On a page on which the average viewer would normally navigate to view additional information about a committee.

Fair Political Practices Commission

Chapter 8.8

Campaign Manual 2 August 2023 Page 273

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