A committee must file a Form 410 and a final Form 460 or Form 450. On the Form 410, the “Termination” box must be checked. List the committee’s identification number and the date of termination; the date of termination generally is the date all funds have been expended. Complete Section 1 and the treasurer or assistant treasurer must sign the verification. For candidate controlled committees, the controlling officeholder(s)/candidate(s) also must sign the verification. Ex 12.6 - At the end of November, after winning the election, Arlene decides to terminate the committee. To do so, Arlene must file a Form 410 termination and a Form 460 termination showing that the committee has no remaining cash. On the Form 460 Cover Page, Type of Statement section, Arlene will mark both the termination and semi-annual boxes and enter December 31 as the closing date of the statement. Unless there is additional activity, Arlene is not required to file a semi-annual statement on January 31, and may file Form 470 by July 31 of the next year. Form 450 or 460 also must be filed showing that all funds have been expended and the committee has no cash on hand. Check the “Termination” box on the cover page. File the original Form 410 with the Secretary of State and a copy with the committee’s local filing officer who receives the committee’s original campaign statements. File the Form 450 or 460 in the committee’s regular filing locations.
Fair Political Practices Commission advice@fppc.ca.gov
Chapter 12.12
Campaign Manual 2 August 2023 Page 409
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