New on Naxos | Issue: June 2024



Toshio HOSOKAWA (b. 1955) Orchestral Works, Vol. 4 Sakura • Trumpet Concerto ‘Im Nebel’ * Violin Concerto ‘Genesis’ ** • Uzu Jeroen Berwaerts, Trumpet * • Paul Huang, Violin ** • Residentie Orkest The Hague • Jun Märkl Toshio Hosokawa is Japan’s leading living composer. This fourth volume in the series of his orchestral works, during which he was present for all recording sessions, contains two concertos and two works for orchestra. The Trumpet Concerto ‘Im Nebel’ , which draws its inspiration from Herman Hesse’s poem, conjures up a vision of man and nature, in which the trumpet slowly and magically melts into the orchestral mist. Inspired by a birth, Violin Concerto ‘Genesis’ again places the soloist as the human protagonist in a universal drama of finding harmony through conflict. Sakura is one of Japan’s best-loved songs, arranged by Hosokawa for orchestra, and Uzu displays unique orchestral sonorities. BUY NOW!

8.574543 Release Date: 28 Jun 2024

Companion Titles – Previous releases in the series 8.573239 | 8.573276 | 8.573733

Petros PETRIDIS (1892–1977) Saint Paul – A Byzantine oratorio in two parts Symphony No. 1 in G minor ‘Hellenic’ Kleft Dances Martha Arapis, Sophia Kyanidou, Sopranos • Ines Zikou, Mezzo-soprano Yannis Christopoulos, Angelo Simos, Dimitris Sigalos, Tenors • Dimitris Tiliakos, Baritone Christophoros Stamboglis, Pantelis Psychas, Basses Bulgarian National Radio Symphony Orchestra and Chorus • Byron Fidetzis



Petros Petridis was one of the leading composers of the Greek National School. In Saint Paul he sought to combine the polyphonic approach of Byzantine music with the form of the oratorio. The libretto follows the Acts of the Apostles with fourteen chorales forming a connecting arc in the divine drama. Expressive originality – both elegiac and joyful – is a feature of Symphony No. 1 ‘ Hellenic ’, and the Kleft Dances , part of a discarded symphony, show Petridis’s personal stamp. Conductor Byron Fidetzis, whose recording of Petridis’s Requiem (Naxos 8.574354-55) was hailed as ‘a triumph all round’ by Gramophone , has prepared definitive editions of these works based on the original manuscripts. Key Feature:

8.574356-57 Release Date: 28 Jun 2024 Companion Titles – Byron Fidetzis, Conductor

Byron Fidetzis is the recipient of the Spyros Motsenigos Music Award, the Great Music Award and is an honorary member of the Greek Composers’ Association. He was awarded an honorary doctorate from the school of philosophy, department for musical studies of the University of Athens.

8.574354-55 | 8.574132 | 8.572451 8.574353 | 8.660508-09 | 8.557970

Click to listen to Stoning of Stephen: Nin imís phonís eyénesth



Mario CASTELNUOVO-TEDESCO (1895–1968) Complete String Quartets


Quartetto Adorno – Edoardo Zosi, Violin I • Liù Pelliciari, Violin II • Benedetta Bucci, Viola • Stefano Cerrato, Cello Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco began to focus on chamber music composition during the late 1920s. From this period comes the String Quartet No. 1 in G major , which offers a countryside panorama with rustic serenades and processional themes reminiscent of a village festival. Returning to a much-changed Italy after the Second World War inevitably generated mixed feelings in the composer – the String Quartet No. 2 in F minor reflects these through dissonance and restlessness, though dancing rhythms sound notes of optimism. His final quartet, No. 3 in F major ‘ Casa al Dono ’, is an effortless fantasia, animated and in part ecclesiastical, which was inspired by memories of his homeland and the friendships he had enjoyed.

8.574580 Release Date: 14 Jun 2024

Companion Titles – Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Composer 8.570778 | 8.573881 | 8.574246 | 8.574319


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