New on Naxos | Issue: June 2024


Gioachino ROSSINI (1792–1868) Ermione Azione tragica in two acts (1819) Libretto by Andrea Leone Tottola (d. 1831) Various Artists


Numerous myths surround the supposed failure of Ermione , and while Rossini himself feared the subject might be ‘overly tragic’, he was clearly fond of the work, keeping its manuscript until his death. Ermione is set in the aftermath of the Trojan War, with the Greek princess Ermione consumed with jealousy because Pirro has forsaken her and fallen in love with Andromaca, the widow of Hector. This complex web of emotional turmoil explores the calamitous consequences of passion between larger-than-life characters, with Rossini’s captivating lyrical expressiveness and spectacular vocal acrobatics superbly performed in this acclaimed Rossini in Wildbad production. Key Feature: Antonino Fogliani and the Kraków Philharmonic Orchestra have previously recorded the 2022 Rossini in Wildbad production for Naxos of Rossini’s Elisabetta regina d’Inghilterra (8.660538-39). This was released in February 2024 and, with soprano Serena Farnocchia again in the title role, can now be united with this new Ermione by collectors.

8.660556-57 Release Date: 14 Jun 2024

Companion Titles – Rossini in Wildbad productions conducted by Antonino Fogliani

8.660538-39 | 8.660444-46 8.660407-09 | 8.660403-04

Click to listen to Sinfonia: Troia! qual fosti un dì!



Fabrice BOLLON (b. 1965) The Folly (Tragedy of Erasmus of Rotterdam) Opera in five acts (2021) Libretto by Clemens Bechtel (b. 1964) Various Artists


Drawing on historical texts, Fabrice Bollon’s opera The Folly focuses on Erasmus of Rotterdam, the influential Renaissance reformer, cosmopolitan humanist and intellectual, who, in old age, reflects on the events of his life. Past and present converge as fictional figures from his books or real-life antagonists appear in much the same way as Bollon merges periods through his creative use of several 16th-century compositions. Set in an age of polarised extremism that reflects our own times, Erasmus’s humanism requires vigilance, defence and reinvention.

8.660545-46 Release Date: 28 Jun 2024 Companion Titles – Fabrice Bollon, Conductor 8.574551 | 8.660526-27 8.660410-12 | 8.574498

Franz CLEMENT (1780–1842) Solo Violin Works 12 Caprices • Variations Haoli Lin, Violin



Franz Clement was the first soloist to perform Beethoven’s Violin Concerto – ‘nature and art vie with each other in making [Clement] a great artist’, wrote Beethoven. Clement was a Viennese-born virtuoso who composed his own influential violin concerto and a sequence of challenging works for solo violin. The Twelve Caprices were composed on the cusp of the Classical and Romantic eras and offer a lexicon of technical demands but also suave lyricism and imaginative writing. Clement brings his own wit and flair to the themes and variations on popular stage works of the time, which are interspersed throughout the programme.

8.574497 Release Date: 14 Jun 2024

Companion Titles – Works for solo violin 8.572267 | 8.573048 | 8.573704 | 8.555996


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