CoreSolutions: Relief For Radiating Neck Pain & Headaches


Do you have trouble sitting up straight at your desk, tilting your head down to tie your shoes, or even lying down to go to sleep at night? If so, your neck pain may be limiting you from living your life comfortably. Neck pain can cause debilitating andextremelyuncomfortablesensations,especially if thepainstretches from the neckdown to theshoulders.According to theAmericanPhysiotherapyAssociation (APTA),approximatelyone-thirdof thepopulationwillexperienceneckpain inany given year. It can get worse if left untreated, and in severe cases, surgery may even be needed. The neck is an integral area of everyday movement, and sharp pains can prevent you from functioning properly in your day-to-day life. Fortunately, physiotherapy can help you regain your normal, pain-free functions. In fact, several patients are able to find relief from their neck pain every year with the help of physiotherapy. If you have been suffering from neck pain and you are looking for relief, contact Core Solutions Physiotherapy & Wellness today. Whydo Ihaveneckpain? Neckpain ismostcommonlycausedby injuryordamage to the tissues or bone structures in the neck. However, certain degenerative conditions can also lead to neck pain. Some common conditions that may be causing the pain in your neck include: •Musclestrains.Themuscles inyourneckcanbecomestrainedbyoveruse.Even somethingassimpleassittingatyourdeskalldaywithyourneckcraned toward the computer screen can lead to a strain in your neck muscles. • Injuries. One of the most common injuries that results in neck pain is whiplash. It is known as a “strain” injury, caused by the head being whipped rapidly back- and-forth, thus affecting the soft tissues in the back of the neck. Whiplash is typically sustained by an automobile or high-impact sport collision, although there are other ways to sustain whiplash.

• Illnesses.Certaindiseasesandailmentscanresult inneckpain,suchasmeningitis, rheumatoid arthritis, or even cancer. •Nervecompression.Thenerves thatbranchoutfromyourspinalcordcanbecome compressed ifyouhaveaherniateddisc inyourneck. Insomecases,nervepain caneven result inaconditionknownas radiculopathy,wherepainextends from the neck all the way down to the hands and fingers. • Joint degeneration. Much like any other joint in your body, the neck joints can erodewithage,causingpain.Conditionssuchasosteoarthritiscanalso reduce the cartilage between the vertebrae in the neck, which can result in moderate to severe pain. Howcanphysiotherapyrelievemyneckpain? Numerouspatientshavefoundrelief for their neck pain through physiotherapy treatments, and in many cases, these treatmentshaveevenbeenable to reduce theneed forharmfulpain-management drugs or surgical correction. AtCoreSolutionsPhysiotherapy&Wellness,wearededicated tohelpingyourelieve your pain and regain your optimum levels of function. At your initial appointment, oneofour licensedphysiotherapistswillconductaphysicalevaluation toanalyze therangeofmotion inyourneck,aswellasany limitationsyoumayhaveasaresult of the pain you are experiencing. Your diagnosis will determine the make-up of your treatmentplan,andmay includeanycombinationofmanual therapy, targeted stretches and exercises, activity modification, or ergonomic recommendations. You will work together with your physiotherapist to understand the goals and expectations of each step in your personalized treatment plan, with the main focus being on overcoming your neck pain and recovering as quickly as possible. Don’t let thepains inyourneck limityourdaily lifeany longer– find reliefwithCore Solutions Physiotherapy & Wellness!

SCHOMBERG LOCATION 6048 Highway 9, Suite 13 Schomberg, ON L0G 1T0

CALEDON EAST LOCATION 15955 Airport Road, Suite 101 Caledon, ON L7C 1H9

P: (905) 939-9041 F: (905) 939-9638

P: (905) 584-6747 F: (905) 584-6787

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