King's Business - 1931-08

August 1931


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

What is the great business of the devil today ? It is to destroy every barrier between the church and the world. We see it on every hand. After nineteen centuries of gospel preaching, instead of the world being converted, as Dr. Pierson used to put it, “The world has become a little churchy, but the church has become immensely worldly.” We may expect to see lines clearly laid down in Scripture deliberately obliterated by the enemies of the people of God as we draw nearer the end. At the begin­

every hand—corruption and violence all about us. Pick up your morning newspaper, and you are treated to a record of lawlessness and immorality such as you would never have dreamed of a few years ago. Turn to what country you will, and everywhere you find loose ideals about morals, about the marriage relation, and all kinds of similar corruptions. Russia is in some respects the fountainhead of all this iniquity and impurity, the devil’s agency for distributing these evil principles throughout the world and for destroying civili­ zation. T h e M il itan t G odless The following is clipped from a recent number of a reliable journal: The Soviet Government is do­

ning of the dispensation, the church of God went forth, a little separ­ ated company, to tell men, “Ye must be born again.” But we live in a day when the leaders of reli­ gious thought talk about the uni­ versal fatherhood of God and the universal brotherhood of man, a doctrine that leaves no room for the necessity of regeneration. The world is that multitude of men and women who are dominated by the prince of this world, the devil, and they are going on to judgment. The church of God is a little company of redeemed sinners who have been saved through the precious atoning blood of the Lord Jesus Christ—and oh, how the devil hates to see them walking separate from the world! He would do any­ thing in his power to break down all these barriers, for .that would utterly destroy the church’s testi­ mony. D ays of C orruption and V iolence In the days of Noah, there was a great coming together of people who should not have been linked together at all. Very few stood out against the amalgamation. Noah was a just man and perfect in his generation. There were no mixed marriages in his family. His was a family that walked apart in separa­ tion to God; and God came to him and told him that He was sick of the .whole thing, and that He was

ing everything possible to eliminate religion, especially Christianity. She is going to follow the Fascist ex­ ample, by adopting her own calen­ dar next year, when the Christian calendar will be abolished, and it will be called the year fifteen of the revolution. The changing of “time” is characteristic of Anti­ christ (Dan. 7:25). The idea is to obliterate Sun­ day; the week is to consist of five days instead of seven so there will be no opportunity for any to come together on the Lord’s Day; there will be no way to figure the time so as to know when the Lord’s Day comes around. By 1933 all churches are to be destroyed throughout Russia, and religion eradicated. The London Times (December 28, 1929) states: ' “Five hundred seventy-six churches were closed from January to Au­ gust, 1929, and it is expected that the number will reach 1,000 by the end of the year.” “The Militant Godless in Soviet Russia” is the name given to an or­ ganization formed, some eighteen, months ago, by order of the ruling, clique in the Kremlin, as a body for “the final destruction of every ves­ tige of religion.” Their president is Yaroslavsky, one of Stalin’s henchmen and the chief of the Con­ trol Commission, an inquisitorial

Still Let Us Hear I T may be that the night will yet grow darker; It may be that the storm is not yet spent; I t may be that the times may wax more evil; Earth braving heaven a n d scorning to repent. Still let us hear the Master daily saying, “Behold, I come; awake, arise, prepare!” For but a little and there sounds the summons, “Ascend, my saints, to meet me in the air!” —H oratius B onar .

going to wipe it all out in a flood. He said: “Make thee an ark of gopher wood . . . pitch it within and without with pitch” (Gen. 6:14) ; and when the flood came, Noah had a safe refuge. Then, Scripture tells us that the days of Noah were days of moral corruption and great violence. If you had lived a hundred years ago and acquainted yourself with the highest ideals of the fathers of this great nation, would you have believed it possible that in our day the United States of America would sink to such a condition of corruption and violence as we see on every hand? Would you not have thought that America would have been a kind of Utopia, where people would come saying, “We want to come here to worship God according to our own convictions, to bring up our children in this happy place; of course, we will respect the laws of the country, for this will be for our own best interest” ? We have lived to see the laws of our country shamelessly broken on

department of the Central Executive. For the past eleven years, this man has been disseminating the most blasphem­ ous anti-religious propaganda ever recorded in history, and has in consequence been rapidly promoted to high offices in the Soviet State. . , . The Militant Godless are true fol­ lowers of their president; they are young people of both sexes, reared and educated under the Soviets. At the second congress of the Godless at Moscow, Yaroslavsky, in order to inflame the passions of his followers, stated quite delib­ erately that “believers are the enemies of the Socialist State . . . . and they must be exterminated.” The members of this powerful body are particularly happy when participating in organized campaigns for the demoli­ tion of churches and other places of worship and in orgies of blasphemy known as “Godless Carnivals.” These consist of a series of spectacles specially written and rehearsed, ridi­ culing and insulting the belief in God in general and certain aspects of the Christian faith in particular. These spectacles cannot be described in an English newspaper; in fact, some * of the Soviet newspapers take refuge in evasions. The organization is said to be two millions strong, and its fifiances are described as excellent. This is not surprising,

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