King's Business - 1931-08


August 1931

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

eleventh chapter and the twelfth verse, where Isaiah is quoted as saying that “God will gather together the dis­ persed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.” The critics say that, if Isaiah thought the earth had four corners, he must have believed it flat. Not neces­ sarily. Last year the United States government published a little brochure, saying: “The United States marines are serving the flag in the four corners of the earth.” But no one contends that the Government of the United States

Now, how could Moses have known this? Long ages before the science of chemistry was born, Moses made a statement about the combination of elements that exists in man and dust alike, and the science of the twentieth century proves this statement true. Only God could have so inspired the writer of that day. The science of physics also testifies that the Bible is divine. Ages and ages ago, Job spoke of the stars that sang together in the dawn of creation. For centuries,

believes the earth to be flat. Some time ago, Roy Chap­ man Andrews had a series of articles in the Saturday Evening Post, entitled “The Ends of the Earth,” but we do not believe he thinks the earth has edges and ends. So, if Isaiah desired to use such a figure of speech, he had a right to do so. The fact of the matter is that Isaiah said nothing about the corners of the earth. He used the Hebrew kanaph, which means “quarters.” However, there is a clear statement in the book of Isaiah, that the critics never quote. That is the fortieth chapter and the twenty-sec­ ond verse, where the prophet speaks of the “circle of the earth.” The word in the He­ brew is chug, and it means “roundness.” This is an an­ ticipation of modern wisdom that can only be accounted for on the basis that the Spirit of God inspired the writer. D iscoveries A nticipated

this was supposed to be a poetic figure of speech, but modern physics says that it is a scientific fact. Every one that has ever seen a “talking movie” knows that light can be turned into sound. The same beam of light that passes through the film to make the picture on the screen is transmuted by the electric cell into dialogue, music, or song, according to the nature, of the control on the film. Light may be con­ verted to every note possible in the realm of music, but Job could not have known that by any natural means. So when he wrote of the singing stars, he was not only absolutely in accord with modern science, but he evidenced the inspiration of the Spirit of God. Medical science also has tested the Bible and found it up to date. When the chil­ dren of Israel were on their great journey from Egypt to Palestine, contagious dis­ ease broke out among them. According to God’s specific

/ / i e ' account the Scriptures of God to ALSU be the most sublime - philosophy. I find more sure marks of authenticity in the Bible than in any profane history whatever. — I saac N ewton . For more than a thousand years, the Bi­ ble, collectively, has gone hand in hand with civilisation, science, law—in short, with the moral and intellectual civilization of the spe­ cies—always supporting, and often leading the way. — C oleridge . We must make a great difference .between God’s Word and the word of man. A man’s word is a little sound that flies into the air and soon vanishes; but the Word of God is greater than heaven and earth, yea, greater than death and hell, for it forms part of the power of God, and endures everlastingly. •••—L u th er .

and definite command, they practiced the modern custom of isolation and quarantine. The medical practice stated in the thirteenth and fourteenth chapters of Leviticus would have saved hundreds of thousands, of lives in Europe in the days of the black plague, if they had just known what Moses taught the people 3,500 years ago. The science of meteorology has tested the Bible and given it an official approval. The writer of the book of Ecclesiastes has recorded for us the entire law of the ■cycle of evaporation and precipitation. He states that, although all the rivers run into the sea, the sea is not full, nor does it overflow its banks, because the rivers go back to the mountain tops again to hurry once more to the sea. They do; modern science has proved this. But how could a man in that ancient day have known it? The inspiration of the Bible makes its meteorology credible, and testifies to the power and wisdom of the God who is the author of that Book. T h e S ha pe of t h e E arth I know it has been contended that Isaiah said the earth was flat, but that teaching is the result of the grossest ignorance. No man who had even a smattering knowledge of the language of the ancient Bible could honestly con­ tend such a thing. The typical verse cited as proof is the

To the modem mind, the great evidence of the divine nature of the Bible is the amazing manner in which this supernatural Book anticipates so many recent scientific discoveries. The great California scientist, Dr. Millikan, received the Nobel prize in physics for isolating the atom. He thus opened up to science a vast new field of research in atoms and electrons, and established as fact what had been the “atomic theory.” We now learn that the entire physical world is composed of these invisible, yet real, lit­ tle whirling solar systems that we call atoms. Almost 2,000 years ago, this statement was made by the writer of the Epistle to the Hebrews. With no mi­ croscope, no spectroscope, do photo-electric cell, with noth­ ing but the Spirit of God to guide his pen, Paul wrote, in effect: “By faith we understand that the world was made by the word of God, so that things that are visible are composed of particles that are invisible.” They certainly are; every visible substance is composed of the invisible atoms that science has discovered and accepts, the discov­ ery of which was thus anticipated by the Bible. Paul also knew more than the biologists of the first quarter of the twentieth century, for, up to two years ago, we. were teaching the continuity theory in our most modern colleges. We were teaching the similarity of cell structure, until the recent' discoveries" thaUgave 'us a

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