King's Business - 1931-08

August 1931


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s '


T he Story of th e G reat King B y H elen H owarth L emmel I n N azareth , a little town hidden in the hills of Galilee, there lived a sweet maiden- named Mary. One day a shining angel stood before her in her home, and she wondered as she saw him, for she was poor and unknown in the world outside of Nazareth. But she was known in the Kingdom of Marvelous Light, for the angel had come from there. She knelt before him and wondered again at the reverence in his voice and manner, as he said, “Blessed art thou among women.” But what words can tell her thoughts as he went on to say that God was send­ ing His Son to the earth, and had chosen her to be His mother 1 The Book of the Jews (she was a Jewess) said that a vir­ gin would be the mother of the Messiah who was to come; this would indeed be one of the signs by which He would be known. The Jews were blind to the mean­ ing of their own book, but perhaps Mary understood and believed, for when the angel had finished speaking, she said, “Behold the handmaiden of the Lord. Be it unto me according to thy word.” And then the angel left her. Mary was betrothed to Joseph, a car­ penter of Nazareth, and to him the angel of the Lord told the wonderful secret of the miracle that was to be. Joseph was a good man, and believed the angel. Lov­ ing Mary truly, he made her his wife and took her to his home. There in 'the tender care of the good Joseph, she waited for God to fulfill His word. And as she waited, she wondered. For the Book of the Jews said Messiah was to be born in Bethlehem of Judaea, and her home was in Nazareth. It was not easy, nor did people in those days often go on such long journeys. It must be done on camels or donkeys. And it was a dangerous jour­ ney, for the hill country was full of fierce robbers. But God had a way. One day the news came that all the people must go to the places in which they were born, to be enrolled for tax­ ation. Rich or poor, sick or well, lame or halt—all must go, for the Emperor Au­ gustus had ordered it. Mary and Joseph were both born in Bethlehem. She was a princess of the house of King David, and Joseph also was a relative. So, though poor, they were of royal blood. After a long, hard journey, they reach­ ed Bethlehem to find it full of people, who, like themselves, had come to be en­ rolled. So great was the multitude that there was no room anywhere, and what to do they did not know. At last, a kind innkeeper said, “There is no room in the inn, but yonder is a stable into which you may go._ It will at least give you shelter, and it is quiet.” He saw that Mary was very weary. Surely the Great King will remember the innkeeper of Bethlehem who was kind to the mother of His Son. [To be continued .1

T he Book of Books here is a book of grace divine, With God’s great gift empearled; There carved in every golden line Is God’s love for the world: The wonder Book, the golden Book, With grace and mercy filled; It lights the saints’ last dying look When other joys are stilled. It brings the peace of God so deep Within the sinner’s breast; And on the road of life so steep It brings the balm of rest. 0 precious Book, the Saviour’s Book, In thee the Christ I see; The wonder of the path He took Through Salem’s streets I tread; Where shines the cross of Calvary His precious blood was shed. Redemption Book, or judgment Book, Which shall it prove to thee, When thou must meet Truth’s search­ ing look In white eternity? — B ible S ociety R ecord . A n A co rn and a Pum pkin wo men were under an oak tree one day, one of them lying on his back on the ground. They were talking about God, in whom one believed, but the other did not. The latter said, “Look at this big tree, full of silly little acorns, while a vine, that creeps on the ground, bears- a great big pumpkin. I would have made it just the other way.” As he spoke, an acorn dropped from the tree, and the sharp end of it struck the eye of the speaker, causing him great pain. While he was exclaiming over it, his friend quietly said, “What if that had been a pumpkin, now?” The fault-finder had no answer to give. The only real an­ swer is th is: “And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good” (Gen. 1:31). Let us not for­ get, too, that “all things were made by him” (John 1 :3).—A dapted . A nsw er to June Puzzle The tex t: “A wise son maketh a glad father” (Prov. 10:1). The answer is found by spelling diagonally from upper left to lower right corner, then from upper right to lower left corner, etc., omitting the letters already used. Missing C onsonants All the right consonants in the right place, And a precious truth you can quickly trace. Brings glory close to me. 1 walk the paths of Galilee,

Bible Q uestionnaire

Where do we read aboùt— 1. A blind man who pulled a house down upon his enemies and slew them? 2. A man born blind whom Jesus made to see? 3. A prophet who brought a little dead boy to life? 4. The first man to whom Jesus spoke after His ascension? T h e Memory Four A nsw er to July Puzzle The text: “God is light” (1 John 1:5). By drawing straight lines between points on the outer and inner circles, a star is formed. A nswers to July Q uestionnaire 1. Isaiah 9:6. Ju st th e Same esus knows that little children some­ times say and do What they should not, but He knows that they are sorry, too, And He loves them, just the same, such a Friend is He. —F rom Glad Songs. A C orrection Thank you, Mrs. Macintosh, for your letter. We are glad to give the correct answer to the May Questionnaire : 1. Isaiah 40:22. 2. Luke 24:36-43. 3. Job 41. 4. Matthew 18:4. Some Verses to Q uote id any one ever say to you that Jesus does not love you if you are naughty? If they did, be ready for them the next time. Learn this Scripture verse and say it to them:- “But God commend- eth [offers] his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Rom. 5:8). Then learn this to say to yourself, if Satan puts a wrong thought into your mind: “I can do all things [being good is one of them] through Christ which strengtheneth me” . (Phil. 4:13). And then, listen to this: “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to for­ give us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). And, “The blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). You see, God has made it very easy to get and to keep clean from the black stain that sin makes on .our hearts and lives. 2. Acts 28:1-6. 3. Numbers 22. 4. Acts 16:25-40. 1st week—Psalm 1cl. 2d week—Psalm 1 :2. 3d week—Psalm 1:3. 4th week—Psalm 1 :4.

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