King's Business - 1931-08

August 1931

T h e

K i n g ’ s


B u s i n e s s

tion, to read these life experiences is to come to know China and its heathenism, almost at first hand. The gospel has tri­ umphed gloriously in these redeemed heathen. 159 pages. Revell Co. Cloth. Price $1.50. Facing N orth B y O. G. H erbrecht The problems of boy life, as they were discussed about the camp fire and in the other groups at Elder Memorial, are treated in this volume. The claims of God, of one’s family, of one’s better self, and the price to be paid for clean leader­ ship among boys and men of character— these form the theme of the book. Fol­ lowing Christ is shown to be not the busi­ ness of a weakling, but of one made of heroic stuff. 142 pages. Richard R. Smith, Inc. Cloth. Price $1.50. In the various chapters, the author pic­ tures My Tomorrow’s Self in the Mak­ ing, Reading the Compass, Facing the Whole Task, Skulking in Life’s Protected Areas, Traveling the Middle of the Road to Oblivion, Defeating Love with Reser­ vations, Staggering under Success, Front­ ing the Actual, Traveling the Upper Road, Facing the Supreme Personality, Weigh­ ing the Evidence, Possessing the Uncon­ querable Spirit, Making the Final Com­ mitment. Each page is as clear-cut and suggestive of great things as are these chapter headings. The book is an appeal to youth to keep the future free from the blight of misspent yesterdays, to keep God between oneself and all borderline practices. A high-class, vigorous appeal upon a scriptural and spiritual basis to live, to worship, and to serve at one’s best. 152 pages. Richard R. Smith, Inc. Cloth. Price $1.50. This is a novel based on uncontrovert­ ible facts revealing the revolutionary pro­ gram of Russia. This program contem­ plates the overthrow of the government of the United States and the destruction of the family and of the church. The youth movement is an effort in this direc­ tion. It is virtually an uprising against all restraint and a yielding to natural ap­ petites. The story is a charming romance among high-souled people who know the Word of God, especially the prophecies. It is a most readable and valuable book. 248 pages. Christian Alliance Pub. Co. Cloth. Price $1.75. This book is a sequel to The Practice o f Christ’s Presence. Six chapters of deep spiritual teaching make up its contents. Faith, hope, and love are seen to be the primary colors of the Christian life—col­ ors that will never fade, even in eternity. The Christly life is “the life that is Christ.” It is not denial of certain things, but the full surrender of self to the Lord. This constitutes the true Christly rela­ tionship. The message of the book is deep and full. It will be a source of strength to all those who are ready to pay the price of a walk with God. 124 pages. Revell Co. Cloth. Price $1.25. My T om orrow ’s Self B y S amuel M c P heeters G lasgow T he Rising T ide B y E lizabeth K nauss T he C hristly Life B y W. Y. F ullerton


D igging Up Biblical H istory B y J. G arrow D uncan

In The Outlined Proverbs, the author gives a unique series of topical studies based on the book of Proverbs, but utiliz­ ing suggestive scriptures from all parts of the Bible. The outlines are clear and easy to master and to use. 88 pages. G. F. Val- lance, publisher, Goodmays, Essex, Eng­ land. Cloth. Price $1.25. This handbook for leaders and teachers contains fifteen doctrinal studies on such themes as God, Creation, Sin and the Fall, and Deity of Christ, and fifteen practical studies on such subjects as Repentance, Faith, and Regeneration. The booklet is compact, concise, and thoroughly scrip­ tural; 66 pages. Pickering & Inglis. Paper. Price 25 cents. The author is a Christian Jew and a deep student of Jewish customs and sym­ bolism. He has given an illuminating in­ terpretation of the feasts and fasts of Israel, that will be at once an aid to Christians in their understanding of the principles of Judaism and a benefit to the Jews who seek to understand Christianity. 94 p a g e s . Emmanuel Neighborhood House, Baltimore. Cloth. Price $1.25. Mr. Moseley has issued an interesting booklet on the Jews, dealing with their place in history and in God’s program for the world. He gives some enlightening information concerning the land of Pales­ tine and Israel’s title to it and proves by prophecy and current history that the Jews will soon resettle the Holy Land, reorganize as a nation, and become world leaders politically, commercially, and re­ ligiously. 72 pages. E. H. Moseley, pub­ lisher, Gainsville, Texas. Paper. Price 35 cents. T h e Bible Study C ircle B y G eorge G oodman Feasts and Fasts of Israel B y A aron J udah K ligerman T he Jew and H is Destiny B y E. H. M oseley “On his trail the furies camped hot.” This line from the first page of Dr. Scott’s thrilling book describes the life of one of the Chinese “twice born.” As Charles G. Trumbull says in his introduc­ A Love Gift Enclosed find check for $35.00 which is from my mother. It repre­ sents the sale o f an antique chest of drawers which belonged to my grandmother, and we thought best to give it to the Lord. We desire that the money shall go into direct soul-saving work. —F rom G lendale , C alif . Chinese Tw ice Born B y C harles E. S cott

This book, which is copiously illus­ trated, deals with recent archaeology in Palestine and its bearing on the Old Tes­ tament. The proofs given in verification of the Old Testament story are conclu­ sive. Even the traditional approximate date of the exodus is verified. The book would be a valuable addition to the li­ brary of any Bible teacher or student. 275 pages. Macmillan Co. Cloth. Price $3.50. Left Behind B y N ora E. S mith This is a powerful little book dealing with conditions as they may be when and after the Lord returns. The awful con­ sternation that will overtake those who are not sharers in the Rapture is pictured with stern faithfulness. The story should have a convicting message to those who are lukewarm in their attitude toward the Lord’s return. 96 pages. Christian Her­ ald, London. Paper. Price 50 cents. Accounts of twelve great awakenings from the time of the Puritans down to the Nineteenth Century are given in this book. The stories are brief, but they give the salient facts about these great re­ vivals. Usually some notable figure, like Cromwell or Wesley or McCheyne, stood in the foreground. But in every case, the Spirit of God was the prime factor. 104 pages. Pickering & Inglis. Cloth. Price $ 1 . 00 . This is a temperance story. Uncle Tom is a wealthy, worldly man, and his wife a social leader among the Scofflaws. The son is a gambler and drunkard who comes to an untimely death as a result of crime. The daughter is a high-souled Christian who maintains her splendid role to the end. The book depicts the corrup­ tion of politics by the liquor element, the indifference of many church people, and the imprisonment of unselfish enforcers of the law. 294 pages. Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. Cloth. Price $1.75. O ld-Tim e Revivals B y J ohn S hearer U ncle T om ’s Mansion B y W m . G. B urleigh The author of these books is the secre­ tary and general superintendent of the Manchester Mission, England, a writer of note, whose contributions are always usable and valuable. The Outlined Acts is essentially a col­ lection of Bible readings, grouped under suitable headings and with annotations. The point of view is conservative and evangelistic. 114 pages. Pickering & In­ glis. Cloth. Price $1.50. T h e O utlined A cts T h e O utlined Proverbs B y R obert L ee

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