King's Business - 1931-08

August 1931

36 7

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

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. f o r (p r e a c h e r s a n d tf^ e a c k e


IV. Pleasure.

T he S hepherd’s Prom ises to H is Sheep E zekiel 34:11-16 O bserve six things that the Shepherd promises to do for the sheep. And mark—He says "I will" do them. He will do them Himself and not through an­ other. Primarily, the promises concern that which He will yet do for His earthly peo­ ple, Israel; but they may apply also to the sheep of Christ’s flock. 1, I will seek them. 2. I will deliver them. 3. I will separate them. 4. I will bring them to their own land.. S. I will satisfy them. 6. I will make them rest. —S elected . “Y our Heavenly F a th e r K now eth” 1. He knows His own (2 Tim. 2:19). 2. He knows our frame (Psa. 103:13, 14). 3. He knows what we need (Matt. 6:8). 4. He knows all we need (Matt. 6:32). 5. He knows our way (Job 23:10). 6. He knows how to deliver (2 Pet. 2 :9). 7. He knows our days (Psa. 37:18). —T he G ospel M essage . My Daily Task 1. Praise the Lord daily—“daily shall he be praised” (Psa. 72:15). 2. Pray to the Lord daily—'-“I cry unto thee daily” (Psa. 86:3). 3. Ponder the Scriptures daily—“they - . . . searched the scriptures daily” (Acts 17:11). 4. Please the Lord daily—“watching daily at my gates” (Prov. 8:34). 5. Profess my discipleship daily—“take up his cross daily” (Lk. 9:23). 6. Persist in brotherly exhortation daily —“exhort one another daily” (Heb. • 3:13). 7. Preach the gospel daily—“daily . . . preach and teach” (Acts 5:42). ■—L iving W aters .

T he Believer’s Privilege and P ro sp ect 1 J ohn 3 :2 1. A Great Fact—“now are we the sons of God.” 2. A Gracious Mystery—“and it doth not yet appear what we shall be.” 3. A Grand Certainty—“we know that when he shall appear.” 4. A Great Assurance—“we shall be like him.” 5. A Glorious Sight—“we shall see him as he is.” —H. H. M ac A. Jesus and th e Syrophoenician W oman M atthew 15:21-27 1. Her Mission—“my daughter . . . grievously vexed” (v. 22). 2. Her Mistake—“thou son of David” (v. 22). 3. Her Menace—“send her away” (v. 23). 4. Her Misery—“Lord, help me” (v. 25). 5. Her Might—“great is thy faith” (v. 28). 6. Her Measure—“be it done, . . . even as thou wilt” (v. 28; cf. Psa. 23:5). —H arold L. F ickett . 1. Godly youths in exile. 2. Explanation of uncouth image. 3. Non-conformists are not forsaken. 4. The lofty tree hewn down. 5. Interpretation of God’s handwriting. 6. Loyalty in spite of lions. 7. Earthly empires seen as beasts. 8. Two-horned ram and Grecian king. 9. Intercession for Israel. 10. Manifestation of God seen. 11. Empires and the wilful emperor. 12. Sealing the book and stating the time. •^ P rophetic N ews . Fools "The fool will speak folly, and. his heart will work iniquity, to practice pro­ faneness, and to utter error against Jeho­ vah, to make empty the soul of the hun­ gry, and to cause the drink of the thirsty to fail’’ (Isa. 32:6, R. V.). 1. The one who denies God is a fool (Psa. 14:1; 53:1). 2. The slanderer is a fool (Prov. 10:18). 3. Those who despise instruction are fools (Prov. 15:5; Eccl. 17:9). 4. He who trusts in his own heart is a fool (Prov. 28:26). 5. Those who mock at sin are fools (Prov. 14:9; 10:23). 6. Those who build upon the sand are fools (Matt. 7:26). 7. Those who walk in darkness are fools (Eccl. 2:14; John 3:16-21). 8. He who dies outside the city of refuge is a fool (2 Sam. 3 :33). — II. C. F ulton . T h e P roph ecy of Daniel A S ummary of E ach C hapter

“There will I give thee my loves” (v. 12b). It is in the place of service that God whispers His sweetest words of love to the Christian (cf. Eph. 3:19). W. W.



How to P reach th e Gospel 2 T i - iessalonians 2:1-12

1. With boldness (vs. 1, 2). 2. With sincerity (vs. 3, 4).


3. With honesty of purpose (vs. 5, 6). 4. With gentleness and affectionate desire (vs. 7, 8). 5. With labor and pain (v. 9). 6. With the power of a godly example v. 10). 7. With the aim of producing a holy life (vs. 11, 12). —J ohn C. P age .



T he Book of Books 1 P eter 1 :10 to 2:2


I. Its Importance.

“The prophets have enquired and searched diligently” (1:10).

II. Its Author.

“The Spirit of Christ” (1:11).

III. Its Name.

1. “The word of God”- (1 :23). 2. “The word of the Lord” (1 :25). Salvation by grace (1 :10). 1. “The sufferings of Christ” (1: 11 ). 2. “The glory that should follow” a :11). 1. It “liveth and abideth for ever” (1:23), 2. It “endureth for ever” (1 :25). 1. It imparts life (1:23). 2. It purifies the soul (1:22). 3. It promotes spiritual growth ( 2 : 2 ). 1. It should be searched diligently ( 1 : 10 ). 2. It should be desired (2:2). 3. It should be obeyed (1:22). 4. It should be proclaimed (1 :12). —S elected . Preach the Word “ I charge thee th erefo re before God, and th e L ord Jesus C hrist; who shall judge the quick and the dead a t his ap p earing and his k ingdom ; “P reach th e w ord; be instant m season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, ex h o rt w ith all longsuffer- ing and do ctrin e” (2 Tim. 4:1, 2 ).

IV. Its Message.

V. Its Duration.

VI. Its Function.

VII. Its Treatment.

W orking w ith C hrist S ong of S olomon 7 :10-13

I. Possession.


“I am my beloved’s” (v. 10). The first requisite, for Christian ser­ vice is a giving of oneself to the Beloved (cf. Rom. 12:1). “Let us go forth into the field” (v. n ) . The yielded one works, not alone, but together with Christ (cf. 1 Cor. 3:9). “Let us see if the vine flourish” (v. 12a). “At our gates are all manner of pleasant fruits” (v. 13). ,Service done in partnership with God always brings success (cf. 1 Cor. 15:58).

II. Partnership.


III. Profit.

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