King's Business - 1931-08

August 1931

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s


or can thine hands be strong? Are ye able? (Isa. 48:10; Ezek. 22:14; Matt. 20: 22 ). In the furnace, He melts us into some­ thing of His own tenderness and gentle­ ness, and teaches us how to bear one an­ other’s burdens and how to live to make intercession for others (Gal. 6:2; Heb. 7: 25; Eph. 6:18). But this is only the transitory side. There is an everlasting recompense of praise and honor and glory at the reveal­ ing of Jesus Christ (1 Pet. 1:17). -—I rish E vangelical . An Ideal Camp *|T|)0 you want a camp for your eight- JU> to-thirteen-year-olds that provides safe and varied recreation and sound re­ ligious (though non-sectarian) oppor­ tunities and environment? “The Three Cs” is such. Camp Bethel, situated at the mouth of the San Dimas Canyon in California, is the central base for the Christian Crusader Camp, and from it will increasingly grow the Christian Cru­ sader Circles for home Bible study. There are seven level, graciously wooded acres with other space available as required. Grouped cosily among the trees are thirty cottages, a lodge, a family residence, a swimming pool, a tennis court, a large dining hall, swings, etc. Camp Bethel, under the management of Mr. Louis Paul­ son, is used by churches and religious in­ stitutions as a conference grounds, and by families and individuals as a rest haven. Its size and character permit of the chil­ dren’s camp without detracting from its desirability for other purposes. Arrange­ ment for housing in the lodge or cottages may be made for seniors wishing to be in camp with their children. Christians on tour will find here a congenial place for the week-end stop-over, as Camp Bethel has its own Bible School and simple Lord’s Day services. The aim of the camp is to make known the Lord Jesus as a personal Saviour and Friend, and the life lived in and for Him as the high adventure that is sure of a happy ending. Regular, carefully chosen (although not long nor arduous) Bible study, of which memorization of Scripture for awards will have a part, will, with rest and recre­ ation, fill the day, closing with camp fire vespers. The “Three C’s” leaders are Mrs. Helen Howarth Lemmel and Miss Fran­ ces C. Noble. Mrs. Lemmel is known in this and other lands as a writer of hymns and stories, as well as for her work among children and with adults in pre­ paring them to teach children. Among the individuals and institutions endorsing Mrs. Lemmel’s work are the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, Rev. Donald Grey Barnhouse, the well-known r a d i o preacher of Philadelphia, and Pastor J. D. Findlay of Glasgow, Scotland. Miss No­ ble has been engaged in Bible school and camp work in the East and in mission work among the Indians of Arizona. She is a valued helper in the Lincoln Avenue Presbyterian Church in Pasadena of which the Rev. William Evans is pastor. The camp will be open all year for children and also for week-end or longer conferences for teacher training. The lat­ ter may be arranged at any time with a minimum enrollment of ten. For circu­ lars containing full information, write to Mrs. Lemmel, Miss Noble, or Mr. Paul­ son at Camp Bethel, R.F.D. 1, LaVerne. Calif.

tian churches are started in other lands. Lesson 12. “Christians Working To­ gether.” The church leaders decide that Gentiles may become Christians without first becoming Jews. How Luther Read His Bible Luther said he studied his Bible as he gathered apples. First, he shook the whole tree, that the ripest might fall; then he climbed the tree and shook each limb; and when he had shaken each limb, he shook each branch, and after each branch, every twig; and then he looked under every leaf. Search the Bible as a whole, shaking the whole tree. Read it as rapidly as you would any other book, then shake every limb, study book after book. Then shake every branch, giving attention to the chap­ ters, when they do not break the sense. Then shake each twig by a careful study of the paragraphs and sentences. And you will be rewarded if you will look under every leaf, by searching the meaning of the words. — S elected . Answered Prayer Much that perplexes us in our Christian experience is but the answer to our prayers. We pray for patience, and God sends tribulation; for “tribulation worketh pa­ tience” (Rom. S:3-5) . We pray for submission, and God sends suffering; for we learn obedience by the things which we suffer (Heb. 5:8). We pray for unselfishness, and God gives us opportunities to sacrifice our­ selves by thinking on the things of others, and by laying down our lives for our brethren (Phil. 2:4; Matt. 27: 42; 1 John 3:16). We pray for victory, and the things of the world swoop down upon us in a storm of temptation; for “this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith” (1 John 5:4). We pray for strength and humility, and some messenger of Satan torments us un­ til we lie in the dust (2 Cor. 12:7). We pray for union with Jesus, and God severs natural ties, lets' our best friends misunderstand us and seem indifferent to us, and calls on us to walk “alone” (Isa. 51:2; 63:4). We pray for love, and God sends pecu­ liar suffering and puts us with apparently unlovely people, and lets them say things which rasp the nerves and lacerate the heart, for “charity suffereth long, and is kind” (1 Cor. 13:4-8). We pray for likeness to Jesus, and the answer is, “I have chosen thee in the fur­ nace of affliction.” Can thine heart endure

were to be placed in the path of any one who believed the gospel and accepted God’s gift of salvation. The law to Moses was now wholly superseded by the gospel, and those who accepted the latter could not improve their standing before God by any works of the law, nor could they lower that standing by any failure to ob­ serve the rites and ceremonies laid down by the law. These who believed were freed from legalism of every sort. Golden T ex t Illustration The Young Men’s Christian Associa­ tions of New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois once sent relay run­ ners to carry a message of greeting from the mayor of New York to the mayor of Chicago. For half a mile each runner carried a tube containing the message and then passed it on to the next runner. In less than a week, the message was re­ ceived by the mayor of Chicago. Every Christian has a message to de­ liver. It is a message of hope and of good cheer. It is a message from the King. If each one who has received it were to run with it to some one else, how quickly the world would be evangelized! Memory Verse’. ’’The word of the Lord was spread abroad throughout all the re­ gion” (Acts 13:49). Approach: This is the day when we go back and tell again all the stories which we have learned about how the disciples preached the gospel to the people of other countries. Lesson 1. “Jesus’ Preaches a Sermon.” The Holy Spirit changed Peter from a man who was afraid to a man of great power. Lesson 3. “Sharing with Friends.” God expects us to share His good news with others. Lesson 4. “The Gospel Spread by Per­ secution.” Men cannot stop the spreading of the gospel. Lesson S. “Philip Tells a Stranger about Jesus.” Philip carries the gospel into Egypt. Lesson 6. “Saul Chosen to Be a Mis­ sionary.” God can change an enemy into a friend. Lesson 7. “Obeying the Law.” To be a good Christian, one must be obedient. Lesson 8. “The Gospel for Everybody.” Peter learns that the gospel is for Gen­ tiles as well as for the Jews. Lesson 9. “Paul Starts on a Great Trip.” Paul and Barnabas set out to preach the gospel to the people of other nations. Lesson 10. “Paul Preaching in An­ tioch.” The Jews object to the gospel’s being preached to the Gentiles. Lesson 11. “Some Missionary Adven­ tures.” Many Gentiles believe, and Chris­






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