King's Business - 1931-08

August 1931

T h e . K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s


a spiritual sense, of all true Christians. 1. Sickness (vs. 1, 3). 2. Death (v. 14). , 3. Life :(v. 44). 4. Liberty (v. 44). FRIDAY: What light does this chapter throw on the character of Christ? Where do we see evidences of His fearlessness, His tenderness, His patience, His joy, His powqr, and any other outstanding qual- SATURDAY: Analyze and discuss the dilemma of the Jews, as recorded in verses 47 to 57. Did they question the fact that the mir­ acle had been performed? Why not? SUNDAY: . , „ . , Prepare a short devotional talk based upon some verse in the chapter. Expression In the outlines and devotional applica­ tions which follow, the attempt is made to suggest a method whereby you may work out similar material, rather than to present sermonettes to be used verbatum. It is the work that you do in Bible study that helps you to grow, not the hand-me- downs that you appropriate from some one else. How F aith is D eveloped In this chapter, we have a beautiful ex­ ample of the method which Christ uses to develop the confidence of His own. Mary and Martha were repeatedly tested. Each test revealed their weakness as contrasted with the power of Christ. The lessons they were taught should prove of value to us today. Each point of the following outline may be used as the basis for a short devotional talk. A . T he T est of Sickness and Suffering —“Lazarus was sick” (v. 2). How often the shadow of sickness and sorrow tries our faith in God! These were friends of Christ, but seem­ ingly that friendship did not bring im­ munity from trouble. In fact, Christ has warned us that following Him brings a cross. How are we to meet this test? B. The Cry for Help —'“Therefore his sisters sent unto him, saying, Lord, behold, he whom thou lovest is sick (v 3) Mary and Martha did the thing that was best—they sent for Christ. _It is always safe to call upon Christ in the hour of trouble. C. T h e T est of Delayed A nswers— “When he had heard therefore that he was sick, he abode two days still in the same place where he was We chafe impatiently because God does not answer our prayers immed­ iately; yet He has His plans all made. He will answer and “do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think.” D. The Response of the Lord —“He saith to his disciples, Let us go into Ju­ daea again” (v. 7). It is comforting to know that Christ will always respond to our cry for help. In this case, His going back to Judaea meant danger from the Jews who were trying to kill him. E. T he T est of th e I m p o s s i b l e — “Lazarus is dead . . . Lord, if thou

Good Shepherd in that He gave His life for the sheep. It is His death on Calvary that saves the sheep. That death was not the death of a martyr or an example; it was the death of a willing Redeemer (vs. 17, 18). He died because it was the only way to save mankind; and if we accept Him as our Saviour, God will accept us because of what He has done. IV. C hrist is G od "I and my Father are one” (John 10: 30). Many question the deity of Christ. Yet He definitely claimed to be one with God. That is the reason why the Jews took up stones to stone Him. And that is why they nailed Him to the cross of Calvary. Men have always sought to rid them­ selves of the thought that Christ is God. They do not want to accept Him, because it means that they will have to turn from their sinful ways (cf. John 3: 19, 20). .What will you do with Jesus? Have you accepted Him, or are you rejecting Him? D iscussion 1. Using verses 1 to 5 and the out­ line suggested on “True and False Shep­ herds,” discuss the whole question of Christian leadership. What religious lead­ ers are we to follow? Is the man who is an avowed skeptic and liberal as danger­ ous as the man who professes to be a true follower of Christ and yet mixes in a material philosophy and subtle denial of the truth of the Bible? Is the preacher who has been ordained to preach the truth concerning Christ honest if he de­ liberately denies what the Bible teaches concerning such important facts as the miraculous birth, the sinless life, the sac­ rificial death, the bodily resurrection, and the personal return of our Lord? 2. What is the meaning of Christ’s words in verse 9? Can you give a simple explanation of what it means to be saved? What are the results of salvation as suggested here ? 3. Discuss the meaning of the more abundant life found in verse 10. What did Christ mean ? Are most Christians living up to the possibilities presented in this verse? Suggest some things which keep them from living up to this stan­ dard. 4. What is the meaning of the cross? Was the death of Christ merely the death of a great martyr and example? Could He have prevented His own death ? If so, why did He not do so? In what way does His death affect us (cf. vs. 11, IS, 17, 18)? 5. Several times in the last few chap­ ters of John, reference has been made to a division among the people caused by the teaching of Jesus. Discuss the reac­ tion that results from preaching the mes­ sage of Christ today. How do you ex­ plain the fact that some hate Him, while others believe? Should we, who are Chris­ tians, doubt Christ just because some of the so-called wise men of this world reject Him? Has it not ever been so (cf. 1 Cor. 1:18-31)? 6. Can a true Christian ever be lost? Discuss this question in the light of verses 27 to 30. Would you expect Christ to be an “Indian giver;” giving unto us eternal life and then taking it away again? Do not the words, “they shall never perish, neither shall any pluck them out of my hand” (v. 28), or. ”my Fa­

How to Use the Bible 1. Own a good print, well boUnd Bible, a concordance, and a text book (Rom. 15:4). 2. Set a portion of each day apart for Bible study. Let your body rather than your immortal soul go unfed (Acts 17:11; Deut. 6: 6, 7). 3. Choose an hour for study when your mind is clearest (Isa. 50: 4). 4. Study with a humble, teach­ able mind, to see not what you can make it teach, but what God meant it to teach (Matt. 11:25). — S elected .

ther’s hand” (v. 29), seem positive? Does this mean that a Christian can live in con­ stant sin and expect the blessing of God? Note that the true sheep “follow him” 1 7. Discuss the claims which Christ makes in this chapter concerning His re­ lation to God. Does He claim to be God? Is there any doubt that He claimed to be one with God in a different sense than that of all other men? If He were not what He claimed, what would He be? If He was God in a unique sense, what should be our attitude toward Him? h e resu rr ectio n of Lazarus is the most significant and remarkable of all the signs wrought by the Lord Jesus Christ in proof that He was the Son of God in a unique sense. It is one of the best attested of all the miracles, and it presents conclusive evidence that we are dealing here with omnipotent God. The tenderness and faithfulness mani­ fested by Christ in this narrative beggar description. P rep aratio n If you want to get the most out of the young people’s meeting, try studying your Bible faithfully each day during the week preceding the meeting. Then work out a brief message to be given during the meeting. Pray for and expect God’s bless­ ing. MONDAY: This chapter is full of striking and sig­ nificant verses. Mark those which seem to be the most important. Copy them in your notebook and memorize one or two. TUESDAY: Write out a 200-word summary of the chapter. WEDNESDAY: You are studying one of the most no­ table miracles ever performed by Christ. Write down five reasons why you be­ lieve this to be a true narrative of events. THURSDAY: Work out an analogy between Lazarus and his resurrection and the history, in SEPTEMBER 13, 1931 The Evidence Supreme J ohn 11

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