August 1931
T h e
K i n g ’ s
B u s i n e s s
philanthropy, as suggested by Judas. Which is the more important, to support the evangelistic and missionary work of the cause of Christ and thus seek to meet the spiritual needs of the world, or to give money for charity to meet the physi cal needs of mankind? Is a person justi fied in giving large gifts for the erection of a beautiful church as a memorial to Christ, when there are those in need? What standards can you suggest for our giving ? | 2. Discuss the subject of service. Did Martha with her pots and pans serve any more truly than did Mary with her oint ment? Can definite rules be laid down as to what constitutes service for Christ? Have we a right to charge one another in this respect? Is there not room for both Marys and Marthas? 3. Discuss the desire of the Greeks as expressed in verse 29. List some of the things which you desire. How near the top of this list did you put your sincere longing to see and know Christ in His power? One of the reasons for our lack of spirituality is the weakness of our desire. Suggest some ways in which our desire for Christ may be strengthened. 4. Discuss the subject of selfishness and selflessness as suggested in verse 25.' Is it true that the man who seeks only his own profit loses the very thing which he so ^earnestly desires? Give examples and illustrations from your own expe rience or from the experiences of others. Discuss the subject of service as sug gested in verse 26. What is the standard which Christ sets? What does it mean to follow Him ? What promise,is made for the one who is His servant? Of what does service consist? Is it attendance at church meetings, active duty on church committees, the giving to church benevo lences, or what? What is the highest ser vice we can render to Christ? 5. In verses 32 and 33, it is stated that men are drawn to Christ through His death on the cross. Discuss how this is true. What was the reason for Christ’s death on the cross? 6. In verses 37 to 40, an interesting question is raised: Why is it that some believe and some do not? In what sense does God blind men’s eyes and harden their hearts? What responsibility has the individual? Is the fact of human freedom compatible with that of the sovereignty of God? 7. In verses 44 to 48, study the answer which Jesus gives to the above questions. Can there be any question but that Christ emphasized the individual responsibility of every man? Does God damn men, or do they damn themselves (cf. John 3:17-21) ? SEPTEMBER 27, 1931 The Inner Circle J ohn 13 T he thirteenth chapter of John and ministry of our Lord. His public ministry has ended. In the tender parting message which He brings to His disciples, we find some of the most comforting and helpful passages of the entire Bible. It is a message that is distinctly for disciples. Aside from the bit concerning Judas, the world does not enter in. This chapter presents a series of les sons and warnings, each of which has its
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application to life today. As we enter in to this study, let us realize that we are treading upon holy ground. P rep aratio n There is probably no more sure way to maintain a constant high plane in spiritual life than through daily reading and study of the Word. It is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. To keep from sin, we must hide it in our hearts. MONDAY: Work out an outline of the chapter, naming the four sections commencing with verses 1, 18, 31, and 36. Write a brief comment on each section. TUESDAY: Study the incident of the washing of the disciples’ feet (vs. 1-17). Prepare an outline for a five-minute talk on the subject, “Pride and Humility,” basing it upon this section. WEDNESDAY: Underline verses 16 and 17, 34 and 35. Memorize the last two verses. THURSDAY: Study verses 18 to 30. Write a 200- word comment on Judas, using as a basis the other allusions which have been made to him in all parts of the Gospel of John. FRIDAY: Write a similar character analysis for Peter, using verses 36 to 38 and other references to him in previous chapters. SATURDAY: Work out a list of five ways in which Christ has demonstrated His love for us, and five ways in which we can demion- strate our love for o,ur fellow Chris- • tians. SUNDAY: Prepare and give a three-minute talk on some devotional or practical point in this chapter. Expression I. A L esson in H umility J ohn 13:1-17 1. Unfailing Love—He “loved his own to the end’’ (v. 1). 2. Active Opposition—The devil was present (v. 2).
3. Omnipotent Power—All things were given into His hands (v. 3). 4. Superlative Humility—He took a towel and washed the disciples’ feet (vs. 4, 5). 5. A Symbolic Service—“He that is washed . . . is clean every whit” (v. 10). 6. A Gracious Explanation—“Know ye what I have done to you” (v. 12) ? 7. A Glorious Example—“I have given you an example” (v. 15). II, . A L esson in L ove J ohn 13:33-35 1. A New Separation—“Whither I go, ye cannot come” (v. 33). 2. A New Commandment—“A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another” (v. 34). A New Standard;—“As I have loved that ye also love one another” (v. 3. 4. A New Insignia-4“By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples” (v. 35). III. T he T ragedy of a T raitor ’ s L ife J ohn 13:18-30 Work' out an outline of your own on the character and life of Judas, noting Some of the following points. A. His Privileges. 1. He was of the tribe of Judah. 2. He was called by Christ. 3. He was one of the twelve. 4. He was given the office of treas urer. 5. He partook of the Last Supper. 1. He was a lover of money. 2. He was a thief (John 12:6). 3. He was a hypocrite. 4. He was a servant of Satan (John 13:2, 27). 5. He was the betrayer of Christ. 6. He committed suicide. IV. W hat W e K now and W hat W e Do " If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them” (John 13:17). There are millions in the world today who do not know the marvelous gospel of you, 34). B. His Downfall.
marks the beginning of a new di vision in the book. It commences the record of the closing days of the life
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