King's Business - 1931-08


August 1931

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

Scriptures and the accompanying lively power of the Holy Spirit, God imparts to our soul patience and comfort and hope, it is because He is Himself, as the apostle here expressly teaches, the God of pa­ tience and comfort, and the God of hope. He is the fountain of these gifts and graces which, by the channel of His in­ spired Word, flow down into , our hearts anl lives to strengthen them for His ser­ vice/— J ames F ord . SEPTEMBER 4 “Ye are not your own. For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s” (1 Cor. 6:19, 20). Does not justice demand the dedication of yourself to your Lord? God has not only procured a title for you, but a title to you; and unless you devote yourself to His service, you rob.Him of His right. What a man has bought, he deems his own, and especially when the purchase has been costly. Has not God bought you with a price of infinite value? Would you rob Him of a servant from His family; of a vessel from His sanctuary? To take what belongs to a man is robbery, but to take what belongs to God’is sacrilege. —W illiam J ay . SEPTEMBER 5 “There came unto him a woman having an alabaster box of very precious oint­ ment, and poured it on his head, as he sat at meat” (Matt. 26:7). Out, then, with the alabaster box; keep nothing back! Break the seal and let the ointment of entire surrender, of eager de­ votion, and of self-sacrificing love be poured out upon Him. Does that seem much to ask? Turn your eyes upon Cal­ vary. See Him there in all His supreme self-sacrifice, dying for you, and nothing will seem too precious to offer Him. “Were the whole realm of nature mine, That were an offering far too small; Love so amaizing, so divine, Shall have my soul, my life, my all.” —F. J. H orsefield . SEPTEMBER 6 “Underneath are the everlasting arms” (Deut. 33:27). You are doubting about your hope and are uncertain whether that will sustain you at all times and in all trials. If you have any fears as to the strength of your hope, as to whether it is sufficient to bear you up, fall right through your hope, sink right down through it, into the arms of Christ your Saviour. Loose all hold upon your hopes, place no dependence upon them, but sink right into the arms of Jesus, and He will sustain and uphold you.— H enry C lay T rumbull . SEPTEMBER 7 “Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven” (Matt. 6:10). Cease meddling with God’s plans and will. You touch anything of His, and you mar the work. You may move the hands of a clock to suit you, but you do not change the time; so you may hurry the unfolding of God’s will, but you harm and do not help the work. You can open

who were waiting to shake hands with him, and there was a big barrier separat­ ing them from the masses of the people. The Prince arrived, shook hands with those that were presented to him, and then, looking over their heads to the crowds beyond, said, “Take those bar­ riers down.” They were taken down, and any one who liked had free access and a welcome from the son of the Emperor of India. The next time the Prince came that way, ten thousand outcasts were gathered under the banner inscribed, “The Prince of the Outcasts.” We have a greater Prince, who said, “Take the bar­ riers down.” God’s love and favor are for every one who believes in the Lord Jesus.— S unday S chool T imes . SEPTEMBER 1 “Put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ” (Rom. 13:14). In Him, by the good pleasure of the Father, all fullness dwells, that we might receive of it grace upon grace; and that reception is but another term for appro­ priation. In giving us His Son, the Fa­ ther hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness; but that gracious provision avails us nothing until we claim and appropriate it by a living faith. The promises are all ours; but they are vain until we lay upon them the hand of appropriating proprietorship, and, as heirs, enter upon our inheritance. All true faith must have in it this thought of ap­ propriation. We first know by hearing what are our glorious privileges and rights. Then we reckon that the record is true. And finally, we begin to use that which has been so freely given. —F. B. M eyer . SEPTEMBER 2 “God is able to make all grace abound toward you” (2 Cor. 9:8). Our times are fraught with danger. Life is so busy and overbusy. Everything chases and drives. As flakes whirl along in the snowstorm, day by day our restless lives whirl past us. Impressions crowd out one another. The moments in which a human soul may restfully collect itself, to be alone with God—oh, you find them so ra re ! God the Lord knows this, and He also knows how great a danger this presents to His children to wander off with the rest and to be hurled away in the whirlwind of modern life. So He en­ riches and deepens and multiplies His grace. But woe to you if, on the ground of this, you take your ease and go on in sin. —A braham K uyper . SEPTEMBER 3 “For whatsoever things were wHtten aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope” (Rom. 15:4). How much important matter do we find condensed in this single verse! What a light and glory does it throw on the Word of God! It has been well noted that we have here its authority, as it is a written word; its antiquity, as it was written aforetime; its utility, as it is writ­ ten for our learning. We may also infer, from what immediately follows, its di­ vine origin; for, if by means of the holy

a rosebud, but you spoil the flower. Leave all to Him.— S tephen M erritt . Thy way and not mine! O Saviour divine, I yield to Thy gracious direction. Thy will and not mine! To Thee I resign My Spirit in cheerful subjection. Thy life and not mine! Why should I repine At sharing Thy cross and rejection? Thy merit, not mine! In this shall I shine, The robe of Thy spotless perfection. —A. J. G ordon . SEPTEMBER 8 “A ll your days ye shall dwell in tents” (Jer. 35:7). We are not called upon, like the Recha- bites, to live in tents literally; but spirit­ ually, the Christian will dwell in a tent all his days. Tent life is the life for travelers and explorers, and we are mere­ ly making our way through the wilder­ ness of this world to our permanent home in heaven. Abraham dwelt in tents. Moses lived in tents. Our Lord Jesus Christ virtually spent His life in tents. All the truly great have done the same thing, have been in the world but not of it, Individual Cups Order a THOMAS COMMUNION SERVICE for your Church. Prices low. Sure to please. Tray & 86 best glasses & Cover $8.90. Glasses $1.00 doz. Waxed paper cups 60 cts. per 100. Collection & Bread Plates. Newstyle8-cup Pastor's Service 5”x 6” , Non- Tarnishing Pewter Fittings $12.75. FOLDER FREE. THOMAS COMMUNION CO., BOX 542 liMA, OHIO.

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