King's Business - 1931-08

August 1931


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

out now. But only “one of them,” turned back to praise. What a rare thing grati­ tude is 1 Why spend all the time in crav­ ing, instead of some of the time in prais­ ing for what He has been to you already? Let your thanks come out. A kept bless­ ing is a dwindling blessing. Turn and look in the face of Him who has healed you, and with a full heart thank Him. Glorify Him for it. How the Good Sa­ maritan must have been touched by the Samaritan leper’s praise. He “fell down on his face at his feet, giving him thanks.” This is part of the progress of blessing— deeper humiliation. . . . See the further progress of blessing to him. The others were blessed in the body only; the Sa­ maritan was blessed in his soul as well. Was it not worth coming back for? —C. A. Fox. SEPTEMBER 13 “Elias was a man subject to like pas­ sions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain', and it rained not on the earth by the space o f three years and six months" (Jas. 5:17). Prayer is a vital force, a mighty dy­ namic, something which exerts energy and brings to pass things that otherwise would not take place. We are aware that such a conception of prayer will be objected to by some, on the ground that, since the universe is controlled by certain fixed and unalterable laws, it is inconceivable that a mere man’s praying can interfere with and set aside these laws. But what these objectors lose sight of is the fact that prayer itself is one of God’s fixed laws, and that personality which enters so vital­ ly into prayer is one of the greatest of all known laws.— R obert H. G lover . SEPTEMBER 14 “It pleased God . . . To reveal his Son in me, that I might preach him among the heathen" (Gal. 1:16, 17). Forget not that your first and principle business as a disciple of Christ is to give the gospel to those who have it not. He who is not a missionary Christian will be a missing Christian when the great day comes of bestowing the rewards of ser­ vice. Therefore, ask yourselves daily what the Lord would have you do in connection with the work of carrying the news of salvation to the perishing millions. Search carefully whether He would have you go yourself to the heathen, if you have the youth and fitness required for the work. • Or, if you cannot go in person, inquire diligently what blood mortgage there is upon your property in the interest of foreign missions, how much you owe to the heathen because of what you owe to Christ for redeeming you with His preci­ ous blood. I warn you that it will go hard with you, when the Lord comes to reckon with you, if He finds your wealth hoarded up in needless accumulations instead of be­ ing sacredly devoted to giving the gospel to the lost.—A. J. G ordon . P au l’s Am bition To be like Christ (Gal. 2:20). To be a servant of Christ (Rom. 1 :1). To preach the gospel of Christ (Eph. 3:8) To be forever with Christ (Phil. 1:23). —L ife of F aith .

have just been passing through. As soon as we become more than sojourners, as soon as we begin to strike our roots in the soil, progress toward heaven becomes impossible for us.— S elected . SEPTEMBER 9 “Let us not be weary in well doing : for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not” (Gal. 6:9). The cross not only calls us to fight but shows the ground on which we can stand with every hope of success. Recognizing that Calvary spells victory, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit we learn how to put that victory into practice over nat­ ural weaknesses and supernatural evil forces. Nothing will prove the value of prayer so fully as to understand that the opposi­ tion of the powers of evil is not a fiction, and that the only provision for victory resides in the risen Saviour, as the Holy Spirit makes practical in us and through us the power of His triumph on the cross. May we not be found wanting in the hour when God calls us to stand 1 —G ordon B. W att . SEPTEMBER. 10 “Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it” (John 2:5). The golden chain of God’s great pur­ pose for your life and mine is woven of the single links which we lay hold of, one at a time, along the pathway of daily opportunity. By and by, when _we have gathered enough links, the chain begins to appear. The man who faithfully picks up the links need never fear about miss­ ing the chain. Therefore do the next thing. As you do it, this tread ot daily service becomes in God’s hands like the clue to a maze. By it God leads you on in your pathway, until you come out from darkness and uncertainty into the clear shining of His will for your life. There­ fore do it patiently, faithfully, lovingly. —J ames H. M c C onkey . SEPTEMBER 11 "Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor arid power” (Rev. 4:11). What a wonderful Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ is ! Each new glimpse we get of His glory seems to be brighter and bet­ ter than anything we have ever seen be­ fore. When we hear of Him as the Prophet,- we are tempted to exclaim, “Surely this is His most wonderful of­ fice ! Surely there can be nothing in Christ that is more glorious than reveal­ ing God the Father !” When we speak of Him as the Priest, we cry, “ ‘God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ,’9 When we see Him as our King, we fall in adoration at His feet, and crown Him Lord of all. —G. H. C. M ac G regor . SEPTEMBER 12 “And one of them . . . . turned back, and ivith a loud voice glorified God” (Lk. 17:15). He turned back. He must look on Him who had done it; He must look into His face again. He was not ashamed to cry out at first, and he is not ashamed to cry

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