King's Business - 1931-08

August 1931


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s


An Upsetting Doctrine I sa iah 30:9-11

13:3-6). Once secure in his own power, he will have no further use for the religion that recognizes “Mary, the mother of God.” The inevitable struggle between the harlot (apostate religious faith finally headed up in the Roman Catholic church) and the beast (apostate political faith finally headed up in the Antichrist) seems near at hand. Mutter- ings of the conflict are constantly being heard. God shall use this last great Nebuchadnezzar for the judgment of apostate religious faith, even ,as it is written: “And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the-beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire” (Rev. 17: 16). But during all this furor, the translated saints will be hidden away in fellowship sweet, with the Rock above —and, thank God, “there’s honey in that Rock.” The Impulse Within the Bones E zek iel 37 T he writer has just received a clipping from The Tyrone Constitution, a newspaper published at Omaugh, Ireland, giving the gist of a recent speech by Lloyd George at a dinner in London, given by the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland. Speaking of the British mandate over Palestine, he said: This mandate must be carried out, not nervously and apologetically, as if we had been lured into some- thing_ we now regretted, but firmly and fearlessly, as a policy in which we genuinely believe . . . The honor of the British flag is involved in guaranteeing protec­ tion . . . The Jews surely have a special claim on Canaan. They are the only people who have made its name immortal, and, as a race, they have no other ' home . . . There never has been such an experiment as this attempted in the history of the world. It is an inspiring ideal. Here is a race which, when it was a small and peasant people, made a greater contribution to the spiritual elevation of humanity than any that ever dwelt on this earth, the people from whom sprang Moses, and Isaiah, and Jesus of Nazareth. . . . They now have an impulse to rebuild their own home, to live their own national life, to renew their contribution to human thought on the same hills, under the same skies. Since they come to Palestine enriched by contact with every civilization on earth, we are entitled to expect great things from such an experiment, not for Palestine alone, but for the world, not only for the children of Israel, but for the children of men. And among all the signs that God has given us to the effect that the present age is growing old, and that the glad new day is about to dawn, no sign is so outstanding as the “impulse” of the Jews “to rebuild their own home” —an impulse given tremendous impetus by the declara­ tion of Lord Balfour in 1917. This impulse is the central subject of many of the greatest prophecies of the Bible. It is the subject of Ezekiel’s wonderful prophecy “down in the midst of the valley which was full of bones” : “Behold a shaking, and the bones came together, bone to his bone . . . Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel . . . Ye [Israel] shall live, and I shall place you in your own land.”

^ ^ hortly before the World War, “Sister Eva,” a high-born, philanthropic lady in Germany, who founded a hospital with her own money and preached Christ to the patients, spoke to the German Kaiser of the Lord’s return. The Kaiser abruptly replied: “That will never do ! It would upset all my plans!” Men and nations today are making a lot of plans which are going to be upset by the coming of the Lord. This is the reason for their antagonism to the blessed hope, their unbelief in the great prophecies, and their blindness to the clear signs of the times.' As it was in the days preceding the sunset of Israel, so it is now in the days preceding the sunset of Gentile dominion. The people “say to the seers, See not; and to the prophets, Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits: Get you out of the way, turn aside out of the path, cause the Holy One of Israel to cease from before us.” But the Bolshevik prayer will not be answered today, even as it was not then. The Holy One of Israel will hardly oblige a com­ munistic and modernistic world by “ceasing from before us.” When the last taps are sounded, they will not be sounded in the quarters of the eternal Christ of God! I talian B reach B ecomes A cute ” is the headline above a dispatch from Vatican City. The item be­ gins: “Open clashes between the members of the Catholic organizations and Fascists throughout all Italy centered attention today on what it is believed is becoming a delicate situation.” And then the dispatch continues to tell of the intimidation of and violence against Roman Catholic organizations in various cities throughout Italy. Catholic banners were torn down, “Catholic action” but­ tons torn off the garments of students, Catholic women students in university courtyards insulted by Fascists, and marching crowds crying, “Down with the Pope!” We have long known that Mussolini and his Fascist followers were at heart an atheistic bunch, kotowing to papal Rome only temporarily as a matter of good policy. The harlot rides the beast, and the beast endures the bur­ den of the harlot only as a matter of present necessity. But their love for each other is as the love of two tom­ cats with their tails tied together, and hung over the pro­ verbial clothes-line. The Roman “beast,” be it Mussolini or another that shall come, only awaits the hour when the “ten horns” which are “ten kings” within the boundaries of the old Roman Empire shall revive and federate. Those ten kings shall give their power and strength unto the beast (Rev. 17:12, 13). This “beast” acknowledges no God above him (Dan. 11:36, 37; 2 Thess. 2:4; Rev. The Beast Shall Hate the Harlot R evelation 17:12-18

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