FMN | February 18th, 2019

New GAP Press ( Cont’d from Page 1)

to extrude, print, and convert top notch branded products for businesses in a wide range of styles and sizes. Founded more than 50 years ago, the firm has placed a premium on expanding its deep ties with its existing customers as well as focusing on new cus- tomer growth. “We have grown and evolved exponentially in re- cent years,” said Greg Gurewitz, GAP’s CEO.“Our firm has added technologically advanced equipment, steadily enhanced our workforce, and set our sights on new and exciting products. It is this evolution that has allowed us to a serve a larger, more complex customer base, while still caring for the loyal and dedicated customers who got us here. In the last eight years, we have grown ... 75 percent.” Demanding Consumers To meet its ever-evolving consumer demand, Great American Packaging decided to purchase a new Koenig & Bauer Flexotecnica EVO-XD eight-color press. Bruce Carter, GAP’s President, explained that the decision grew from the firm’s need for extra ca- pacity due to its high growth, an ability to process print, to improve quality in terms of better control and error detection, and to become more cost com- petitive. “We are excited about the opportunities the new Koenig & Bauer Flexotecnica EVO-XD press will bring to Great American Packaging,” said Carter.“The new capabilities and increase in productivity it brings will be key in delivering success in our pro- duction environment.The new press will give us the tools and resources to grow into new markets we have not yet been able to penetrate. The EVO-XD will bring us greater efficiency and productivity through increased printing widths, faster printing speeds, quicker changeovers, better quality control and process print capabilities. This competitive ad- vantage will allow us to produce recyclable multi- layer pouches and films with sophisticated artwork in a cost-effective way.” The Flexotecnica EVO-XD eight-color press will be the main workhorse press for Great American Pack- aging. It will increase the six-color custom printed products currently being produced to eight colors as well as allow the firm to create multi-color images in both process and spot color to meet the demands of all of its customers and the ever-increasing demand for sophisticated images and branding. Art and deco- ration on flexible packaging is one of the key differ- entiators in the market place today.The management


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specifications combine to pr l d Speed, impr ll bo s uilt to converter anilox r i d l i f ess on, an a se ect on o doctor blades in an automatic system, hand proofers and hand pr Iris r Utilizing the company's well-known foo ers with automatic precision proofer: Iris. , eleased for sale its hco as r Pamar . hi hl i o uce g y cons stent resu ts. emoves operator inconsistencies.

katie.graham@pamar Contact us today for your f I i P Pamarco r s roo er 678 799 5915 - - or

(Cont’d on Page 8) | +404-691-1700 | katie.graham@pamar .pamar www

Flexo Market News February 18, 2019 5

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