CWU Trustee Retreat Agenda Thursday


21 Eastern Washington University was rated as “excellent” or “good” fit by just 14% and a “poor fit” by 30%. Six in 10 (61%) could describe EWU; the descriptions tended to be more negative than positive, and centered on the location. Bellevue College barely registered with only 5% rating it as an “excellent” or “good” fit; 36% calling it a “poor fit”; and 44% with no opinion – the highest proportion of all seven schools. The most-used term to describe it was “community college,” indicating the low level of awareness of BC’s recent change in status. The Evergreen State College was the lowest-rated, with only 8% calling it an “excellent” (1%) or “good” (7%) fit for their student and 42% saying it was a “poor fit” – a 5:1 negative to positive ratio, by far the worst of the established state schools. To the extent they could describe it (41% could not) respondents tended toward terms like “liberal,’ “alterative,” or “hippie.”

These findings are displayed in graphs on the following pages, including “word clouds” of the descriptions of each school.

JUNE 2014


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