CWU Trustee Retreat Agenda Thursday

These potentials wanted to knowmore about CWU’s academic programs in general. Unlike the highly focused students who want to know about specific programs, this was a more general question about what CWU has to offer. It reflects a general unawareness of CWU, more than a specific inquiry. Like the inclined and disinclined, the potentials rated campus visits as the most useful source of information. They rated visits by recruiters #2, three places higher than applicants and two places higher than the disinclined. Their parents ranked contact with current students #2, followed closely by contact with recruiters. Also like both the inclined and disinclined, the potentials would turn to their parents first and foremost for advice – although they were slightly less likely to “definitely” ask their parents than were the other two categories. They put more trust in college recruiters than either of the other categories. Most of the same things that attracted the applicants appealed to the potentials.. The main difference is that applicants already know about CWU and the potentials do not. The challenge thus may be less a matter of sharpening the message than of focusing the target: Students planning to go to college, but for whatever reason – cost, grades, motivation, confidence - are not necessarily looking for an intense, competitive, expensive college experience. They value a quality education in a comfortable atmosphere at a good cost. There are plenty of such students around.

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