CWU Trustee Retreat Agenda Thursday

o The taskforce has also had conversations with information services to ensure background programming is complete to implement the new program (25% complete). o Meetings with Exploratory and Professional Advisors will commence in July (10% complete).

- Transfer student and direct transfer agreement issues.

o The taskforce has collected information from departments on transfer equivalencies from the Washington 45 (WA transfer Agreement) as well as most WA community colleges for new GE courses (75% complete).

- Public relations coordination and campaign for GE program launch.

o The taskforce has engaged in conversations with the VP of Public Affairs to coordinate a campaign to launch the GE program and create a timeline for publication across the instiution (25% complete) The taskforce continues its work this summer to craft a comprehensive implementation plan to present to Faculty Senate at the October 31, 2018 meeting.


Katherine P. Frank Provost/Vice President for Academic and Student Life

Approved for Submission to the Board:

James L. Gaudino President

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