CWU Trustee Retreat Agenda Thursday

Central Washington University Board of Trustees July 26, 2018

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY – Discussion session: Change Management in Higher Education The last discussion session on Thursday, will center on change management in higher education generally, and what key changes will be required in order to set a sustainable path forward for Central Washington University. The first universities opened their doors nearly 1,000 years ago and have evolved slowly and steadily over the centuries. A century ago higher education innovation included the use of letter grades, departments, electives, majors, and the credit hour. The first half of the 20 th century delivered tenure, academic freedom, faculty unionization, and shared governance. After World War II the passage of the GI Bill sparked significant increases in the demand for postsecondary education. There also was an increased emphasis on faculty research, which produced groundbreaking discoveries and advances in the arts, humanities, and the sciences. If the pace of change for the first 900 years came at a trickle, over the past 20 years change has come in a tsunami. The rapid rate of technological advancement has created profound changes in workforce demands and economic realities—both on campus and off. A profusion of academic institutions and pathways has vastly expanded the size and competitiveness of education “markets.” And the erosion of public funding for higher education has required institutions to adopt many of the business approaches of the corporate world in order to improve efficiency and accountability. CWU has adopted project management strategies in order to ensure the timely and efficient completion of priority initiatives, from capital construction to technology development to academic reviews. Submitted: Approved for submittal:

James. L. Gaudino President

Linda Schactler Secretary to the Board

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