CWU Trustee Retreat Agenda Thursday

V. Six-Year Rolling Forecasts One of the key deliverables in the university’s strategic plan is to prepare a six-year rolling forecast in order to give the university community a sense of what the financial future looks like. The final section of this report contains forecasts starting with the FY 2019 budget and the following six years, as well as the drivers and risks associated with each operating fund group. Every year going forward, the prior year will be replaced with actual results, the following year will go through the detailed budgeting process, and another year will be added to the six-year forecast. In addition, the drivers will be updated and documented. Enrollment is the main revenue driver for the university, and we are using the recently produced six-year targets from the Strategic Enrollment Management plan as the basis for all operating fund group revenue projections. The chart below presents two different enrollment scenarios; the blue line is the SEM plan target through FY 2025, while the green line represents the enrollment needed just to pay the bills – an austere scenario.

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