A2i Assessments Technical Manual



First, students listen to the words displayed and get directions about the assessment tasks. Words are read aloud and highlighted during the narration portion.

Following the directions, students can select the two “words that go together” or “Listen again” at the top.

A2i Assessment Score Types The primary score produced by the L2M assessments is the GE score. A GE score indicates the grade level at which a student’s performance matches the average performance of students at that grade level. It is designed to provide a clear way to communicate a student’s reading or literacy abilities in relation to typical grade-level expectations. The specific grade-level expectations are calculated using the results from a standardized literacy test that have been collected from a representative sample of students. The GE test results are compared to a large sample of students from the relevant grade levels. For the A2i assessments, this was done using data from the Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Achievement and the Northwest Evaluation Association Measure of Academic Progress (NWEA MAP) reading assessment. It is important to note that a GE score does not necessarily mean that a student has completed all the skills and knowledge up to their GE level, but rather that their performance on the test aligns with what is typically seen at that grade level.

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