A2i Assessments Technical Manual



Progress Monitor Page The Progress Monitor page allows teachers to track student growth and progress toward their target outcomes and end-of-year goals. It is organized by the student groups that a teacher is using and displays each student’s L2M scores from their assessments. These scores are color-coded to reflect student progress.

Scores will initially appear with no color code, because that student has not yet completed two assessment rounds, so progress (as measured by change over time) can’t be tracked yet.

A teacher can hover over a student’s name to see their most-recent assessment score and end-of-year target outcome, which will reflect nine months’ worth of growth for a student (or more if they come in below grade-level). Hovering over each individual assessment score will allow the teacher to compare it with the target outcome for that month to see whether a student is on track. On the right side of this page are two GE growth columns where you can see individual student growth at a glance. These columns reflect student progress so far this year and show how much students are projected to grow throughout the academic year at their current trajectory. Data from these columns is used to help a teacher compare and analyze growth, celebrate successes, and focus planning and instructional decisions.

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