A2i Assessments Technical Manual


Assessment Best Practices for Teachers It’s important to prepare students to take the assessment, especially when they are new to the procedure or have not taken assessments on a computer. Certain steps can be taken before, during, and after the assessment windows to encourage students to try their best and limit the number of distractions that can affect scores. Before the assessment window , it is best to align expectations for all students. Modeling the testing procedures can be very helpful for this, including demonstrating how to access the assessment online and how to set up and use any technology (including headphones, mouse, or touchscreens). It can also be helpful to use the video directions associated with each assessment to walk students through the audio they should expect to hear as well as review the item types that they might encounter while taking the assessment. Though the actual L2M and WMG assessment items are only in English, there are student- facing instructional videos in both English and Spanish. These videos describe how to take the test and review the question prompts as well as the item format students will see when they log in. During the assessment window , setting up assessments in the classroom as a small-group center is typically the most effective approach for completing testing. Students can complete one assessment at a time, typically allowing an entire class to complete both the L2M and WMG over two or three days. Teachers can review scores as students complete the assessments in real time and ensure that data is populating as expected. After the assessment window , once students have all completed the L2M and WMG assessments, the data visualizations in A2i populate at the classroom, school, and district level. This is a good time to congratulate students on completing the assessments and share data with parents/caregivers, administrators, or the students themselves. In addition to reviewing the data reports and growth information, the updated data will also influence the A2i instructional recommendations and student grouping. Teachers should set aside planning time after each assessment round to update their literacy block to account for these changing needs as students grow. Assessment Implementation Details

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