A2i is a system for literacy instruction that significantly improves student reading outcomes. Meeting the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Tier 1 “strong” evidence requirements, A2i leverages technology-based and professional development components (online assessments, data-driven recommendations, and aligned instructional planning) to raise literacy outcomes in Grades K–3. The system uses data from brief online assessments that measure decoding, comprehension, and vocabulary to make individualized recommendations for each student. Specifically, A2i assessments provide educators with the number of minutes that each student needs across meaning-focused or code-focused instruction as well as teacher-managed or child-managed instruction. A2i data is also used to create student groups, provide individualized instructional lesson plans, and monitor student growth. With robust, ongoing professional learning over a three-year implementation, A2i supports both student and teacher growth. Theory of Change ESSA encourages districts and schools to adopt evidence-based programs with a well-specified logic model explaining how the product or solution will likely improve outcomes. Figure 1 shows the inputs needed (e.g., professional development support, technology, and online assessments) to successfully launch A2i and documents the targeted activities (minute recommendations to better personalize and differentiate small- group instruction) that lead to short-term (improved performance on standardized reading assessments) and long-term changes in students (reading at or above grade level by the end of Grade 3).
This document provides technical insight into one of the components of A2i: the A2i online assessments.
Professional Development Professional learning communities (PLCs) or A2i literacy huddles (LHs) (30-min. grade- level meetings with LOS) In-class coaching or individualized classroom coaching (ICCs) (45-min. one- on-one coaching sessions)
Knowledge and Belief
Short Term Improved reading performance after one year of exposure
Knowledge of A2i-recommended instructional strategies Belief that they can implement the program components
On-demand support and flex days
Long Term Reading at or above grade level by the end of Grade 3
A2i Technology
Behavior Use of A2i system-generated instruction recommendations and other resources.
Online student assessment
Software platform
Instruction and grouping recommendations for individual students
Use of differentiated small-group instruction
Lesson-planning tools
Figure 1. The A2i Theory of Change logic model.
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