From report to action As a leading supplier of smart metering and digital solutions and services for the district energy industry – particularly the underserved demand side – Kamstrup has an obligation to contribute to its continued development and prevalence. Col- lecting and hosting data from over 1.3 million heat meters across 400+ district heating operators highlights the enormous potential of converting all this data into actionable insights. We take that responsibility seriously and prioritize participat- ing in some of the many great and ambitious initiatives and research projects in the industry. The recent DHC+ report is just one example. Another is the IEA DHC TS4 project, which will publish its ‘Guidebook for the Digitalization of District Heating’ later this year. This work is rooted in a research perspective. It provides yet another important angle on digitalisation in the DH industry, giving inspiration and guidance to understand the value of digitalisation and new innovative solutions and services. At the end of the day, actual progress still requires action from the utility professionals across Europe, who are now wondering what their next step should be. In this respect, one of the things that make the report from DHC+ so relevant is that a whole section of the report is dedicated to buildings and end-user strategies and the untapped potential they hold – which is now being unlocked with the roll-out of smart meters. This under- lines how digitalisation works as the glue that ties together your entire value chain – and every single step you take. Therefore, I only urge you to read the reports – available for free download at – explore the cases and reach out to the included utilities, suppliers, or contributors. Ultimately, this is how we can put into play our shared expe- riences, knowledge, and competencies – for the good of both the individual utility and the energy sector.

Key messages from the report » District heating and cooling is a key solution to decarbonisation, but the DHC system is becoming increasingly complex. » Digital solutions can leverage data from the field and other sources to achieve effective design and efficient operations. » Maximum performance requires considering the value chain as a whole – including the underserved demand side. » Regardless of their starting point, digitalisation holds excellent potential for European DHC utilities, as proven by early adopters. Source: Digitalisation in district heating and cooling systems – A tangible perspective to upgrade performance, Euroheat & Power / DHC+, May 2023

For further information please contact: Steen Schelle Jensen,

"By rolling out 46,000 smart meters, Aalborg receives hourly data from all its customers. It is experiencing multiple operational benefits ranging from reduced temperatures and heat to better customer service and a new incentive- based tariff model." - Case from the report on Aalborg Forsyning and remote-read smart meters


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