Word of Life Island: Celebrating 75 Years of Life Change Jesus walks on this island. Will you meet Him here? When you walk into Pine Pavilion on Word of Life Island, you’re greeted by a large sign bearing this phrase. It’s displayed prom- inently on the wall, up near the stage—and through countless rallies, Bible hours, worship nights, comedy shows, and staff orien- tations, this simple piece of routered wood has silently remained as a physical embodiment of the core tenet of The Island. As you sit in the pews that sign overlooks, the presence of God feels so thick in the air, it’s as if Jesus Himself could be seated beside you, hand on your shoulder, imploring you to trust Him with your worries, your future, your very life. In the past 75 years, hundreds of thousands of campers have stepped onto The Island and found it to be a holy place—a place set apart from the world outside, consecrated to the Lord, and alight with gospel power. It’s not impossible to leave unchanged, but after a week spent immersed in the Word and covered in the prayers of counselors, Camp Crew, and staff, it certainly isn’t easy. A simple mantra, shared both from the pulpit and in casual conver- sation between friends, captures that transformative impact in just four words: Life change happens here.
The Experience
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