Vacation with a Purpose


If you choose a Christian Camp or Conference that has meetings, the speakers and musicians can be the difference between an okay spiritual vacation and an excellent one. The philosophy and biblical beliefs of the ministry will influence all the other areas, from meetings to children’s programming. Use the list above and decide which of the items on the list are your top priorities. Normally vacation destinations won’t have everything on the list, but if you know what is most important to you, you’ll be able to rank the options to make the best decision. CREATE A LIST OF OPTIONS The most important question to start with is, “How far do I want to travel?” Often the travel time to and from a vacation can be the make or break detail. For example, you might have the time of your life only to have a 12 hour drive back home that ruins the time of relaxation you just had. On the other hand, the place 30 minutes down the road might not have much on the list above and end up being a painful vacation when you lay awake at night listening to mice in the ceiling. So, before you start making your list of options, decide how far you are willing to travel and if you can afford a plane ride there. If not you’ll have to adjust based on driving time. However, if you have friends on the way there, you can plan your vacation time to accommodate an overnight that can make a long drive much more manageable and also catching up with old friends along the way. RESEARCH YOUR DESTINATION OPTIONS

Your selection of a vacation destination is just as important as the actual vacation itself. In many cases if you choose the right location, the rest of what we’ve recommended in this resource will be a breeze. SHOULD YOU START WITH A CHRISTIAN CAMP? The first question to answer is: Should you select a Christian camp or conference center, or choose a secular one? The difference can be night and day. While you can have a great family vacation without going to a Christian camp, the spiritual focus, biblical speakers, and ministry to your family might be just what you need. If you choose a secular location, you’ll have to bring the spiritual focus with you and lead it yourself. If you’re new to spiritual vacations, we recommend you start with a Christian camp. It’s much easier to focus on spiritual things throughout your vacation if you don’t have to plan them. DECIDE WHAT YOU’RE LOOKING FOR Before you start looking at locations “begin with the end in mind.” Here’s a helpful list, of things to consider. If you are choosing a Christian camp, there are other things to consider as well, and we’ve marked them in the list.

• Location and Distance from Your Home • Accommodations • Facilities and Meeting Spaces

• Children’s Programming • Total Cost of the Vacation • Outside Activities and Ease of Access to Them • Meeting Times and Christian Program (Christian Camp)

• Speakers and Musicians (Christian Camp) • Doctrinal Position and Ministry Philosophy (Christian Camp)

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