King's Business - 1930-07

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Entrance to Jacob’s Well near Nablus, Palestine —Keystone ° 0 iew Gc



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Tohe K in g ’s b u s in e s s W illiam P. W hite , D.D., E ditor J. E. J aderquist , P h .D., M anaging E ditor Motto: "I, the Lord, do keep it; I will water it every moment: lest any hurt it, I will keep it night and day.” Isaiah 27:3. PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY AND REPRESENTING THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES Vol ume XXI July, 1930 Number 7 Crumbs from the King’s Table—The Editor.................................... 331 Editorial Comment ....... ......... „ . ..................................333 The Roman Empire of the Future and the Dominating Papacy —H. A. Ironside.......................................A.................................335 What is the Second Coming of Christ?— P,.W . Philpott...... .........336 Unveiling the Shrouded Continent—H. D. Campbell......................338 A Day in a Jewish Mission Field—Agnes Scott Kent.............. .....340 Evangelical or Evangelistic?—G. Frederick Cox..............................341 Heart to Heart with Our Young Readers — Florence Nye Whitwell .............................................................343 Radio KTBI ............................................................................. 346 The Junior King’s Business-^Sophie Shaw Meader........................347 Alumni Notes—Cutler B. Whitwell.................................................. 349 Homiletical Helps for Preachers and Teachers............................... 350 International Lesson Commentary............ 1...... ....:............................ 351 Our Literature Table.........................................L.............................. 360 Notes on Christian Endeavor—Alan S. Pearce:.;..................... +if.~.361 Daily Devotional Readings............ ..........M.,*. .............................364 Table of Contents

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The Present Board of Directors of the Bible Institute who may be trusted, under God, to keep the Institute true to the Faith

D r . C has . G. T rumbull

D r . W . E. E dmonds

M rs . L ym an S tewart Secretary- Board of Directors

R ev . C has . E. F uller Chairman Board o f Directors

Who has done more than any other person to preserve the existence and integrity o f the Institute.

M r . H. A. W est

M r . L eon V. S haw Vice-Chairman Board of Directors

M r . J. 0 . S mith

M r . H ugh B. E vans

M r . R obert Y oung

M r . J. W . C line

M r . N athan N ewby

D r . W. P. W hite

M r . J ohn W ells

July 1930

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romthe K ing ’s ^ab

B ïj the Editor <—— <>—»—•—<>■


CA n s Jesus Christ/Was More Than a Man O man would want Christ as a Saviour if he understood Him perfectly. Our Saviour must be more than a man. Jesus is born of woman, He grows up to be a boy, He goes out about the streets, He works in the shop with His father, the carpenter; by and by He goes out among men, walks up the roads, goes sailing by the lake, and in many ways He shows Himself to be a man. Finally

to sleep in a boat. That surely was like a man. Read the passage through. Jesus was asleep in the boat; they awoke Him and He arose up and said to the winds and the waves, “Peace, be still.” That was not the act of a man. One day,He had been walking a long distance and was very tired. About noon He sat down beside a well. A woman came up and He said, “ Woman, will you be kind enough to give me a drink of water?” Certainly, that was a man. They had a little chat and He said, “ Whoso­

He dies. It is perfectly plain that He is a man, yet all the while He must be something more than man. He is not born as others are; the Holy Spirit gives Him birth of the Virgin Mary. He does not talk and act like other men. He commands the winds, He heals the sick, He raises the dead. He speaks of Himself as no other man could. “ I am the light.” “ I am the resurrection,” I am the life.” He names Him­ self in associations such as no other man would ever presume to do. Think of any man who ever lived—think of Paul, himself saying, “He that hath seen me hath seen the Father.” Jesus Christ said that. “ Eternal life is to know God and me.” Think of Paul saying on Mars Hill, “ I saw your altar there to the un­ known god. Whom ye ignorantly worship I declare unto you. He that hath seen me hath seen God.” That is what Jesus Christ said. When Paul was in prison, the jailer c a m e to him and asked, “ Sirs, what must I, do to be saved?” Think of Paul an­ swering, “ My friend, eternal life is to believe on me and God.” That is what Jesus Christ said. There never was a man in

ever drinketh o f this water shall thirst again. But whosoever drinketh o f the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well o f water springing up into' everlasting life.” That was not like a man. But there was His death on the Cross. There was the bent form, the head falling upon the breast, the dying groans, the red blood trickling from the hands and feet, the brow torn with the thorns. The soldiers thrust the spear into his side, and He bowed His head and gave up the spirit. But that is not' the whole of the story. While He was dying upon the Cross, a poor sinner, in the last instant of his life, turned to Him for salvation. Jesus took him to His heart with the prom­ ise of salvation. He did not point the dying man away from Himr self. He died, but the hands out­ stretched upon the Cross opened the gate of paradise for a dying malefactor. That is the act of God, not man. I Moral Philosophy Without Jesus Christ N the Book of Proverbs the bare commandments of Al-

Christ is God No mere man is the Christ I know But greater far than all below; Day by day His love enfolds me, Day by day His power upholds me. All that God could ever be The Man o f Naz’reth is to me. No mere man is the Christ I find Standing alone among human kind; Living amid earth’s sin and strife Time?s miracle—a perfect life. All that God could ever be Earth’s Perfect One has been to me No mere man can f orgive my sin And break its reigning power within, Or reach down to my deepest need And give life that is life indeed. All that God could ever be That must my Saviour be to me. No mere man can my strength sustain And drive away all fear and pain, Holding me close in His embrace When death and I stand face to face. Then all that God can ever be The unseen Christ will be to me. lift/. M. C.

his senses who would be so wild as to dare associate himself with the eternal and make eternal life depend upon know­ ing him as well as God. Explain the incarnation. I can­ not. The incarnation was God made manifest in the flesh. That is as far as we can go, and that is enough for the first hundred years. If you want it more fully stated, take Paul’s word, “Jesus Christ was in the form of God. He put off the form of God and put on the form of man” ; as one of you might take off one suit and put on some meaner suit. It would not change you. Jesus took off the form of God and put on the form of man. That is the incarnation. I never found a passage in the Bible speaking o f Christ as man alone. I do not believe you can find any such passage. There is one place where we read that Jesus went

mighty God- are transformed into an elaborate philosophy. Each commandment is cut and polished until it sparkles like a diamond. That is what makes them valuable. They are so small and compact that they ought to be easy to remember and teach. A hundred epigrams flash from the book like rays of light. This is also true of Ecclesiastes. The wisdom, beauty and reasonableness of the law are exhibited from every side. We see how advisable, how profitable, how prudent, how admirable it is to be good— and how impossible; for the king who made these com­ mandments trampled every one of them into the dust. The king who uttered these epigrams went straight against them every one. Read 1 Kings 11 if you want to know what moral philosophy by itself amounts to. The lover of


July 1930

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wisdom lay down, with folly; the sage whose wise sayings rise like a very ladder to heaven treads the path to hell; the wisest man in theory becomes in practice an adulterer, a sensualist, a slave to his own vices, a prisoner to his own despair. The Book of Ecclesiastes sums it all up. “ Vanity of vanities . . . all is vanity” It is the textbook of suicide. Close that book and write upon it this sentence, “ The world by wisdom— even Solomon’s wisdom—knew not God.” The greatest moral philosophy is helpless without the Gospel of the grace of God. —-o— “ The Lord is My Shepherd; I Shall Not Want’' I shall not want rest. “He maketh me to lie down in green pastures.” “ Come unto1me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matt. 11:28 ). I shall not want drink. “He leadeth me beside the still waters.” “ I f any man thirst, let him come unto’ me, and drink” (John 7:37). I shall not want forgiveness. . “He restoreth my soul.” “ The Son o f man hath power on earth to forgive sins” (Mark 2:10). I shall not want guidance. “He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.” “ I am the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). I shall not want companionship. “ Yea, though I walk T h e B i o l a OME genius coined the word “ Biola” by the use of the initial letters of Bible Institute of Los An­ geles. It has come to be a household word needing no interpretation. But the phrase “Biola Challenge” is new and should arouse inquiry. It sounds like an invi­ tation to engage in a contest. It demands attention and calls for action. It suggests an issue that should be frankly faced and properly met. Biola claims the right to issue a challenge—in the full force of that arresting word. The reasons are many; only a few are advanced. First of all, Biola challenges because it is—Biola. Two outstanding things characterized Biola in the beginning of its history. First, it was pledged to loyalty to a well-defined Scriptural statement of Christian doctrine. Second, its leaders were fired with a passionate desire for the salvation o f lost men everywhere. Nearly a quarter of a century has passed—here Biola stands, strongly, sanely upholding the truth, unharmed by either liberalism or fanaticism. The same evangelistic passion that characterized the early lead­ ers burns today in the hearts of all the staff. In other words, Biola is Biola, unchanged, and dares therefore to issue a challenge. Biola challenges also because of its past record. Why emphasize or exaggerate a few stormy days o f the past? They have passed, thank God. Remember, rather, the thou­ sands of Scripturally trained, Spirit-filled messengers that have gone forth from Biola’s halls to the ends o f the earth. Think, too, of the far-flung battle line in China where the testimony and ministry of Biola in China has meant the evangelization of many areas before untouched by the Gospel and the building up o f not a few strong Christian churches. Such a record is itself a challenge. Biola challenges also because of the task immediately before it. In a few weeks a new school year will open with a greatly increased enrollment o f students. None of these students will be required to pay anything beyond a very modest sum for room and board. The actual cost of their education must be met, as it has always been met, by Chris­ tian stewards who believe in the training of Christian youth for life and service. Again, Biola challenges because of a clamant need. Biola is not bankrupt, but the Board of Directors are very will-

through the valley o f the shadow o f death, I will fear no evil : for thou art with me.” “ I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee” (Heb. 13:5). . I shall not want comfort. “ Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” . “ The Father . . . shall gvue you another Comforter” (John 14:16). I shall not want food. “ Thou pr,eparest a table before me in the presence o f mine enemies.” “ I am the bread o f life\ he that cometh to me shall never hunger” (John 6:35). I shall not want joy. “ Thou anointest my head with oil.” “ That my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full” (John 15 :11). I shall not want anything. “My cup runneth over.” “ I f ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it” (John 14:14). I shall not want anything in this life. “ Surely good­ ness and mercy shall follow, me all the days of my life.” “ Seek ye first the kingdom o f God, and his righteousness: and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matt. 6:33). I shall not want anything in eternity. “ I 'will dwell in the house o f the Lord for ever.” “ I go to prepare a place for you . . . . that where I am, there ye may be also” (John 14:2, 3 ). The whole Twenty-third, Psalm is summed up in Philippians 4:19, “My God -shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” C h a l i e n g e ing to let the public know that there is a financial emer­ gency. They also frankly say that this is not a new prob­ lem. For a number o f years, in fact since the death of Mr. Lyman Stewart, the founder of the Institute, the annual income has not been sufficient to meet operating expenses. Every year there has been a deficit, fully secured by val­ uable property, but nevertheless by a gradual accumulation becoming a great burden, The Board of Directors wish the public also to khow that there has been effected a very great saving in the expense o f administration of the Insti­ tute. The Biola dollar will hereafter accomplish more than ever. Once more, Biola challenges because of its glorious pros­ pects. Biola is not looking backward. It is not trying to merely bury an unpleasant past. Neither is it content with past successes. With new vision and new courage, assur­ edly born of God, Biola is planning for an enlarged and strengthened curriculum which will give it a unique place among Christian educational institutions on the Pacific Coast. The new four-year Bible-Collegiate course will ad­ mirably meet the needs o f Christian young people who desire the cultural value o f a college course but with a Biblical background. Biola challenges—after all, that statement must be cor­ rected ; Jesus Christ challenges. With all reverence it must be affirmed that the Lord Jesus Christ prompted men of God to found Biola. It is His hand that has held it steadily and faithfully to the pattern shown at the beginning. It is He who is inspiring with new vision, new faith, those who see a glorious new day for Biola. It is He who challenges. The practical plans for the sending forth of this chal­ lenge widely are being matured. There will be no offensive methods of publicity, no “high pressure salesmanship.” Biola’s friends, tried and true, will be rallied and they in turn will find, it is hoped, many thousands o f new friends who will be Biola’s supporters by prayer and sacrificial giving.

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July 193.0


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Editorial Gomment


Ex-President Coolidge on Civilization and t Religion [-PRESIDENT Coolidge has more than once in recent years expressed his concern for our pres­ ent civilization. As a keen student of the prob­ lems that confront civilized society, he can speak intelligently and his words carry weight. It would be quite possible to differ with him in his choice of expressions, but all who love the truth will agree with him in his striking the note of warning which appears in his recent communication to the Christian Herald with reference to the celebration of the 1900th anniversary o f Pentecost. His statement follows: Of course I appreciate the great importance o f the celebra­ tion which is proposed for the eighth day of June. I have tried to point out a great many times and in a great many different ways the fundamental importance o f religion in sustaining our present civilization and government. The whole fabric o f society rests upon it. If the Christian Herald can do anything to awaken the people to the importance of this principle, it will serve a most useful purpose. I do not see any method o f improving our social and economic relations except through the teachings of religion. In fact, it is my belief that we have gone as far as we can in progress and reform until we have a more general accept­ ance of the truths of religion. If these are permitted to slip away from us the progress and reform which we have already accom­ plished will vanish with them. It is for these reasons that I hope your efforts will meet with success. — 6— The Rise and Fall of Nations T HERE are pessimists and pessimists. Sometimes it is assumed that all fundamentalists, at least all funda­ mentalists of the premillenarian type, are hopelessly pes­ simistic, unable to see any good anywhere in the present civilization. Their gloomy forebodings are often answered with sarcasm and abuse. But now and again a pessimist of a conservative type speaks in other circles with a note so commanding that it obtains attention. Such, for in­ stance, is the statement of Dr. M. V. O ’ Shea which was made some time ago to a meeting of the National Educa­ tional Association, and which is reported in the Sierra Educational News by George G. Bush, Superintendent of Schools, South Pasadena, California. The statement follows: Dr. M. V. O’Shea painted a gloomy picture o f the future of the United States unless something fairly drastic is done to check the highly emotional and excessively stimulating character of the amusements of boys and girls today. He showed how nations once capable, powerful, and stable, have passed out of the picture completely or are in a state of decay today because the younger generations have not been kept plastic, teachable, or docile enough to become possessed of the knowledge and skill o f their forbears. Children even in the graded schools have become blase, sophisticated and resistant to intellectual growth. Only the highly emotional things enlist their attention, and school is becoming dull and uninteresting. Our whole program of out-of-school life, he said, is tense, exciting, and over-stimu­ lative with the result that children become callous to the appeal of unemotional, intellectual achievement.

History shows that a deterioration o f civilization inevitably follows such conditions among the younger generations. Since the home is not keeping emotion under control, the school must play an increasingly larger role in keeping the young away from the allurements o f the world. Prof. O ’ Shea uses language that is familiar in religious circles but sounds strange when connected with the work of the public school. Has it ever really been expected that our public school system would save the children “ from the allurements of the world” ? By what process or means is it to be accomplished ? How can they even begin to meet the situation when they are forbidden to teach religion ? The civilization of yesterday was built upon an author­ itative Bible, honored in the home, studied in the schools, accepted as a divine standard upon which a stable society could be built. But the Bible has lost its place of preem­ inence. Radicalism of every sort abounds, while society seeks in vain for some other standard or authority upon which to build. If, then, society must return to build upon the Word of God, there must be increasing emphasis upon the teach­ ing of the Word. Schools which make the English Bible the heart and center of the curriculum and which train competent teachers of the Bible must be more effectively strengthened and more adequately supported. Perhaps some of God’s stewards who are coming to realize that much of the modern educational program, however useful it may be for vocational and professional training, is sub­ versive of true morals, will also recognize that in the Bible Institute there is found an agency which God can use and is using not merely for the help of a few individuals, but for the stabilizing of society. Poisoning the Fountains of Praise Mr. Hugh Munro, writing in the Biblical Review, has given a most remarkable historical survey of the hymnology of the Church. It is of great value from many angles, but particularly in that it shows that the praise of the Church through its hymns has always had a great doctrinal note. Without variation from the first, the themes o f the songs have been the holy, triune God, the incarnate virgin-born Son of God, the vicarious, suf­ fering Son of God on Calvary, the glorious, risen Christ, the ascended, interceding Lord, the Christ coming again in power and great glory, etc. O f course there have been throughout the history of the Church those who have at­ tempted at times to introduce discordant notes, but they have met with little or only temporary success. As Mr. Munro says, quoting the late Dr. James Orr, it has always proved impossible to keep the body o f the Church for any length of time away from faithfulness to the central facts of Christianity. A subjective type of Gospel has never been long attractive. That the Church is at the present time threatened with the poisoning of the fountain o f its service o f praise is — o —


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July 1930

very evident. Unitarianism has been capturing leaders and controlling publishing houses to a degree that is alarming. Not so long ago, the Century Company presented its book, Hymns for the Living Age, and a little later, The Hymnal for American Youth. ' The Century Company, in its advertising, declares that its Hymns for the Living A ge is being used in thousands of churches. They are frank also in stating that “ hymns which in sense and spirit are remnants of a medieval the- ology” are wholly eliminated. By this they mean, of course, among other things, that there is no mention throughout the book of the blood of Jesus Christ. In­ stead of that which they call “ remnants of a medieval theology,” they have the sentiments and doctrines of a long list of Unitarians. Every eighth hymn in the collec­ tion is by a Unitarian. A reviewer has discovered that in only one of sixty-seven Unitarian hymns is Christ men­ tioned by name. Shall we take our hymnology from such men as John Haynes Holmes who denies the personality of God ? Or shall we accept a paean to the Mass given by Joyce Kilmer, a convert of Roman Catholicism ? No longer of Him be it said, He hath no place to lay His head. In every land a constant lamp Flames in His small and mighty camp. Even worse than the above is the verse: Imprisoned for His love o f me [i.e., in the dough of the wafer], He makes my spirit greatly free And through my lips that uttered sin, The King of Glory enters in [i.e., when one eats the wafer]. We are asked to sing with J. F. Gillman: Shall we take our cue from the agnostic Jew, Felix Adler, who insists that we are builders o f the “ city of God”— in opposition to the opinion of the seer o f Patmos ? O f a different type but about as unsatisfactory is the Inter-Church Hymnal, published by Biglow and Main. Here also the Unitarian strangle hold is recognizable. Many of the old hymns are retained, i.t is true, but enough of a new type are inserted to change the whole tenor and tone of the work. W e are permitted to sing again Heber’s grand hymn, “ The Son of God Goes Forth to War,” but the editors also furnish us a parody on this hymn: The Son o f God goes forth for Peace, Our Father’s love to show; From war and woe He brings release, O, who with Him will go? We are allowed to retain also another old favorite, “ Onward, Christian Soldiers.” But again a parody is o f­ fered. The idea of a militant host, crusading in the name o f the crucified and risen Lord, is not agreeable to Uni­ tarian theology, so this hymnal offers instead the fol­ lowing : Onward, Lord and Master, We will gladly go, God send us men whose aim ’twill be Not to defend some ancient creed. He strikes the fetters from the slave, Man’s mind and heart makes free; And sends His messengers to save O’er evTy land and seal

Moves the Church of Jesus Bearing love’s pure flame; Out of strife and tumult Peals her nobler call: “All thro’ Christ are brothers, Peace, good-will, to all 1”

Much more could be quoted to show the departure from the Gospel o f Jesus Christ. In the creedal state­ ments and responsive readings likewise, the same evident effort appears. Take, for example, the following brief creed that is offered: We believe in the fatherhood of God and in the brotherhood of man. We believe that Christ is the way and the truth and the life. We believe in the clean heart, the unworldly life, and the service o f love that Jesus taught and exemplified. We accept his spirit and his teaching and dedicate ourselves to his unfin­ ished work. There is no need to despair in such a situation. There are yet publishers and editors who are willing to give the Gospel in song with the old message. Among books o f a type that can be most cordially commended is the Imman­ uel Hymnal, edited by Ernest Gordon and published by Macmillan Company. As implied in its name, its emphasis is on the person and work of the Redeemer. Many great hymns which have fallen out of use have been recovered. Others, the work of devout hymn-writers associated with the English Keswick Movement, appear here, usually matched with new music. Biola in China A CABLEGRAM just received from our Mr. Charles A. Roberts in Changsha, Hunan, indirectly confirms the reports being given in the daily papers of serious war conditions in Hunan. Americans and other foreigners are said to have taken refuge on a large island in the river where they are being guarded by American and British gunboats. It is a glorious fact that in these times of special strain and stress, when many forms of missionary work are tem­ porarily interrupted, the Chinese evangelists of our Biola Evangelistic Bands are able to go right on with their blessed work of widespread evangelism. What a satisfac­ tion this must be to the loyal friends at home who are sup­ porting these evangelists, and what a privilege it is to have these full-time personal representatives out there in needy China. Our Dr. Frank A. Keller has just returned from Chi­ cago and Minneapolis where he has been speaking in im­ portant missionary conferences. At Chicago he was the principal speaker in the great annual missionary confer­ ence of the Moody Memorial Church, and at Minneapolis he spoke every evening in the three days’ missionary con­ ference held in the Oliver Presbyterian Church as a fare­ well to the Rev. Everett F. Harrison, A.M.', Th.B., son of the Rev. Norman B. Harrison, D.D., pastor of that church. The Rev. Everett F. Harrison is a graduate of Prince­ ton; he has had a fruitful pastoral experience and has taught for two years in the Evangelical Theological Semi­ nary of Dallas, Texas. Mr. Harrison is to be married at the end of June to Miss Arline Prichard, daughter of Dr. J. B. Prichard of St. Louis. Miss Prichard! is a Bible school graduate, has had teaching experience and has just received a university degree of M.A, God willing, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison will sail for China with Dr. and Mrs. Keller on August 7 and will be mem­ bers of the staff of the Hunan Bible Institute in Changsha. — o —

Forward in Thy footsteps Toward the morning glow : Saints, apostles, martyrs, Have gone on before, We march on with comrades From earth’s farthest shore. Like her Lord, victorious Over greed and shame,


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July 1930

^£ w\ The Roman Empire of the Future and the Dominating Papacy

B y H. A. I ronside ( Chicago, Illinois)


souls outwardly allied with the papacy who yet in their hearts have trusted not in the formularies of the church or its sacraments for salvation but in the precious atoning blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Soon, however, these will all be gone, for when our Lord returns to call His own to be with Himself in the air, every member of His mystical body, whether Catholic or Protestant, will be caught up to be forever with the Lord. Then the. remnant

CORRESPONDENT from Italy* has sent in a copy of the interesting picture which accom­ panies this article. Though produced a number of years ago, purchased, in fact, in Paris in j 1902, it very aptly illustrates what the Scrip­ tures indicate is yet in the future. It represents the various rulers of Europe, and it will be noticed that President Roosevelt was included as repre­

of t h e Protestant systems will doubt­ less go back to the a r m s of the old mother church and the long-dreamed-of reunion of Christen­ dom will take place, but itwill be a Christ- less Christendom, a mere e m p t y shell, after all that is real has b e e n removed. Toward this end con­ ditions a r e rapidly working. May it be ours to walk apart from it all in devoted attachment .t o t h e Lord Jesus Christ

senting A m e r i c a , gathered together in a peace conference, and in the center, rising above all the rest, is the head of the Roman Catholic C h u r c h with the g o l d e n cup in his hand from which he would have all the nations drink. This shows clearly what was in the minds of many at that time. Though the g r e a t majority of the rul­ ers pictured h e r e have passed off the scene since this card

until He calls us to Himself. is?

was put forth, it is significant that at the present time the nations are lining up for the last great league and the pap­ acy is rapidly coming to the front. The Lateran Treaty has given the papal church a place of authority and recog­ nition in Italy such as she has not had since the days of Garibaldi and Pius IX of unhappy memory. Looking on into the future it seems clear from a care­ ful study of Revelation 17 that when the Roman Empire is finally revived by satanic agency and ten dominions are 'reunited into one great confederacy, the papal church as represented by Babylon the Great will be recognized as the state religious system which all will for a time obey. This is the bride of the Antichrist, the false harlot system that masquerades as the wife of the Lamb. O f course, this condition will never be brought about as long as there is one real Christian left in the Church of Rome, and no sober-minded Protestant would deny that God still has His remnant in that great apostate system. The letter to Thyatira in Revelation 2 seems to give a prophetic forecast of Romanism throughout the present Church period and charges them with permitting Jezebel to take the place of a teacher ; which is, of course, the paganistic principles of Rome dominating the consciences of professed Christians. Still the Lord says, “ Unto you I say, and unto the rest in Thyatira which have not this doc­ trine, which have not known the depths o f Satan, as they speak, I Will put upon you none other burden, but that which ye have already, hold fast till I come." All down through the centuries there have been devoted Christian ♦N ote —M r. Harry Figg, an old friend of T he K ing ’ s B usiness and a keen student of prophecy.

The Biola Honor Roll T HE Biola Honor Roll which was announced a few months ago has about 2,000 members. This is far from the objective of 20,000 members, but the progress has, after all, been very encouraging. Every State in the Union and several foreign countries are represented. Nearly one-half are new friends of the Institute. Natur­ ally, California leads. The States next in order are Penn­ sylvania, New York, Washington, Oregon, and Michigan. The plan of the Honor Roll is here restated: P urpose : T o help prepare men and women to spread and teach the Gospel of Christ. C onditions : First: To pray daily for God’s blessing upon the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Second: To give One Dollar each month for one year toward the support of the work. Third: To secure another Honor Roll member, if pos­ sible. E nrollment : Firmly believing in the importance of training Christian workers, I hereby request that my name be placed upon the Biola Honor Roll, and I express my willingness to cheerfully and faithfully -meet.the condi­ tions of membership. Name ...... .....,.............. :....................................................... Street Nc$, ......... -.....,.....-............................. City .... . ............................. . Amount enclosed ...................,................................................ Date...... .....................................


T h e

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B u s i n e s s

July 1930

d S c i t à k What is the Second Coming of Christ? B y P. W . P hilpott {Pastor o f the Church o f the Open Door, Los Angeles, California )

'5 b &TLL evangelical Christians believe that Christ is JW|i coming again. They hold different views, how- Jgj fa ever, as to the manner of His appearing. ¿nSSwL Tens of thousands of Christians every Sun- « ■ y jP “ day recite the Apostles’ Creed in which they af­ firm their belief in Jesus Christ who “was bom of the Virgin Mary; suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; the third day He rose from the dead; ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty.” Without a pause they go on to say, “ From thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead.” They profess to accept the com­

self; that where I am, there ye may be also.” Both of these, and other similar passages, refer directly to Christ’s second coming at the end of the Church age and,not to the death of a believer. When a Christian dies, he “ falls asleep.” When Jesus Christ comes again, all the sleeping saints shall awake. Death puts the believer’s body in the grave; the coming of Christ will bring that body forth from the grave. Death separates us from one another; the coming of Christ will reunite us. Death fills our eyes with tears; His coming will wipe all tears away. “ For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice o f the

ing again of Christ without per­ haps giving much consideration to the implications of such a great subject. On the day of His ascension Jesus led the disciples out to the Mount of Olives. While in the attitude of blessing them, He was suddenly “ taken up, and a cloud received him out o f their sight. And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven, as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel; which also said, Ye men o f Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven” (Acts 1:9-11). In a visible, personal presence our Lord went away, and the two witnesses assure us that He "shall so come in like manner.” The whole New Testament rings

archangel, and with the trump of God : and the dead m Christ shall rise first : Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air : and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words” (1 Thess. 4:16-18). Again, the apostle Paul, in

Thou Art Coming! Thou art coming, 0 my Saviour, Thou art coming! 0 my King, Every tongue Thy name confessing, Well may we rejoice and sing; Thou art coming! rays o f glory, Through the veil Thy death has rent, Gladden now our pilgrim pathway, Glory from Thy presence sent. Thou art coming, not a shadow, On that sunrise grand and clear; Thou art coming! Jesus Saviour, Nothing else seems worth a thought, Oh, how marvelous the glory, And the bliss Thy pain hath bought. —Frances Ridley Havergal. Not a mist and not a tear, Not a sin and not a sorrow,

his first Epistle to the Corinth­ ians (15:51), s p e a k i n g of Christ’s return, tells us that there will be at that time many living believers who will never expe­ rience the sting of death, but who will be changed in a moment, in “ the twinkling o f an eye.” If, then, there is to be a company of believers who, like Enoch and Elijah, will never die, how can death and Christ’s coming mean the same thing? The absurdity of thè claim that these are sy­ nonymous terms is at once appar­ ent when one endeavors to read the word “ death” into the assurances of the second appearing of Christ. Richard Baxter’s testimony on this subject is illum­ inating. “ For my own part,” he declares, “ I must confess to you that death, as death, appeareth to me as an enemy and my nature doth abhor and fear it. But the thoughts o f the coming of the Lord are most sweet and joyful to me; so that if I were but sure that I should live to see it and that the trumpet should sound and the dead should arise and the Lord appear before the period o f my age, it would be the joy fullest tidings to me in the world. Oh, that I might see His kingdom come !” Some of the greatest promises of the New Testament given to the child of God, will not be fulfilled at death, but at the second appearing of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. For instance, the resurrection of believers, with their translation into the presence of our Lord from which they shall go out no more forever, is not mentioned in connection with death. These events will take place only when Christ appears.

with this glorious announcement. In language clear and positive, He is pledged to a definite, visible return to this earth. To give to these words any other than a literal interpretation is to handle the Word of God deceitfully. The logic of such a conclusion is recognized by one of the leading modernists and greatest scholars on that side of the question, who states that if one is a fundamentalist, that is, if one believes the Bible to be the inspired revela­ tion of God, he must of necessity be a premillenarian; for the Scriptures clearly teach that Jesus Christ is coming back again in personal, bodily form. W hat T he C oming , of C hrist D oes N ot M ean 1. It does not mean death. Frequently at funerals of believers, Matthew24:42 is quoted: “ Watch therefore; for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.” Then, in the way in which this Scripture is applied, the impression is given that Christ’s promise to come again is fulfilled at death. Or, it may be that the text is John 14:2, 3: “ I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto my­

July 1930

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2. It does not mean the coming o f the Holy Spirit on the day o f Pentecost. Those who consider the coming of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost the fulfillment o f Christ’s promise to come again, confuse the persons of the Trinity. In all of His teaching our Lord clearly differentiates between Himself and the Holy Spirit. The personality of the Holy Spirit is emphasized by the use of the personal pronoun. “ I will send him unto you.” “ When he is come, he will lead you into the truth.” “H e shall glorify me.” John 14, 15, and 16 speak of His gracious ministry to believers. But the marvelous things that are to take place at the com­ ing of the Lord Jesus Christ certainly did not transpire on the day of Pentecost. There was no resurrection and no translation; nor were the nations gathered for judgment before Him (Matt. 25 :31-46). 3. It does not mean the destruction o f Jerusalem under Titus in 1870. Some of .my brethren who attempt to spir­ itualize these passages, say that the destruction of Jerusa­ lem was the fulfillment of Christ’s promise to come with power and great glory. Let any unbiased student read the Scriptures that refer to the coming of Christ and the events that will take place when He appears; let him com­ pare these with historical accounts of the destruction of Jerusalem, and he will see how utterly absurd is this ex­ planation. Linder Titus, the Roman prince, Jerusalem was de­ stroyed. The Jews were driven to the very ends of the earth and the city came under the heel o f the Gentiles where it has remained throughout the centuries. At the coming of Jesus, the city of Jerusalem will become the “ joy o f the whole earth.” The Jews will be regathered. The tabernacle of David, which is fallen down, will be re­ built and the Throne of David will be reestablished. Then “ he shall reign from the rivers to the ends o f the earth.” “And to this agree the words o f the prophets; as it is written, A fter this I will return, and will build again the tabernacle o f David, which is fallen down; and I will build again the ruins thereof, and I will set it up: that the residue o f men might seek after the Lord, and all the Gen­ tiles, upon whom my name is called, saith the Lord, who doeth all these things. Known unto God are all his works, from the beginning o f the world” (Acts 15:15-18). “ Thus saith the Lord, I am returned unto Zion, and will dwell in the, midst o f Jerusalem; and Jerusalem shall be called, A city o f truth; and the mountain o f the Lord o f hosts, The holy mountain” (Zech. 8 :3 ). T he L ord H imself It is THE LORD HIMSELF who is to appear the second time. “ This same Jesus shall so come in like man­ ner as ye have seen him go.” His feet that were so myste­ riously lifted from the Mount of Olives, will, in the day of His return, stand again on that very mountain (cf. Zech. 14:4). “Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall shall see him, and they also which pierced him.” His hands that were outstretched in blessing as He de­ parted from earth, will be spread forth once more and “ one shall say unto him, What are these wounds in thine hands? Then he shall answer, Those with which I was wounded in the house o f my friends.” “ In that day there shall be a fountain opened in the house o f David, and to the inhabitants o f Jerusalem, for sin and for uncleanness.” “And I will pour upon the house o f David, and upon the inhabitants o f Jerusalem, the spirit o f grace and supplica­ tions; and they shall look upon me whom tkey have

pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son.” If, then, the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ is not death, nor the coming of the Holy Spirit, nor the destruc­ tion of Jerusalem, it cannot be anything less or anything else than His own personal appearing to the world which rejected Him. For that event we look. Toward that day we hasten. Moffatt’s Translation T HE K ing ’ s B usiness in its last issue inadvertently carried an advertisement of Moffat’s Translation and hastens to make explanation and proper apology. Dr. Moffatt’s ability as a scholar is not questioned, but for a number of important reasons his translations are unre­ liable and misleading. Leaving other questions aside, it may be enough now to state, as has often been pointed out, that Dr. Moffatt frequently bends the translation against proper rules of exegesis to fit his liberal views. The scholar who can test his translations may be un­ harmed, but the man unacquainted with the original lan­ guages may be seriously mislead. We also apologize for apparently endorsing Dr. Cadman. Biola Pictorial HP HERE is in course of preparation a beautiful port- ■1 folio in Rotogravure containing many pages of illus­ trations of the Institute’s plant and activities. It will give an air view of the heart of downtown Los Angeles, with the Bible Institute in the very center of its busy life. It will present the faces of many of, the students; also of those who are reached by the evangelistic departments of the Institute. Photographs showing something o f the Bible Institute in China will also be included. This attractive folio will not be for sale, but will be sent free of charge to any subscribers of T he K ing ’ s B usiness who send us the names of two or more friends who are strangers to the Institute but who would be likely to be interested in its program o f Christian educa­ tion and evangelism. Use the coupon below. Fill it in and mail it promptly.

The King’s Business, 536-558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, California:

Please enter the names of the following, who I believe should be more fully informed about the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Name Street Address City and State

Be sure to see that I receive a copy of thé, Biola Pictorial when it is ready.


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